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Extended Info Attributes Error -

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    Extended Info Attributes Error -

    Here is my problem,

    In the past I have implemented attributes within the extended information popup using the script found on I have had no problems with this and have used on about 5 sites. I have also used the MultipleOtherInfoPrompts code found also at to implement other information prompts without any errors many times.

    What i am now trying to do is to combine both of these scripts to give me an extended information popup with all of the other info prompts within it (there are about 6 input boxes). As soon as I put the code for multiple input boxes into place ( ,etc), I find that the NETQUOTEVAR:OTHERINFOPROMPT will no longer work within the AddToCart_ExtentedInfo I created. If I remove the code then the single other info prompt appears again.

    I am unsure which way to go with this.. Is there another NETQUOTEVAR or some javascript that I can use to pull in the newly created text input fields into the extended information box?

    Any help would be most appreicated.

    and have used on about 5 sites
    Glad you're making a living using my free patches. Pity no-one ever contributes anything.

    As to your problem - anything that needs putting in Act_Primary or Act_ProductBody will also need to be added to the popup page template as this acts like an Act_Primary / Act_ProductBody combined. Also if you amend actiniccore.js (to contain the multi-other info support) then it should be included in the poup template.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Cheers for the speedy responce Norman, it is appreciated.

      Pity no-one ever contributes anything.
      It what sense?
      Monetarily to yourself?
      I thought the script where free, thats the point is it not?

      As soon as I am at a level to be of any help to anybody then I will do. Only joined the forum today. I will be try to help other users out on this forum if I can, what else can I contribute?


        I thought the script where free, thats the point is it not?
        You missed the bit at the top of my page where I suggest that people making a living from applying these patches - (who also expect most help) - contribute something.

        Unfortunately total donations so far this year (and I'm writing in November) are a massive £15.

        I get bombarded daily (e-mail and phone) with direct requests for help and It's wearing me out. Actinic Support are even suggesting that people contact me when they can help no further, even when it's not related to anything I've provided.

        Perhaps I should just withdraw all these patches and have a quite life.

        It might be better to start learning JavaScript / Perl / Delphi and read your way through the 600Kb of Perlscripts as there's no way I'm going to redo all these for V8 for nothing but a lot of grief.

        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



          I see your point. Actinic have in the past pointed me to your site and have even suggested that I email you directly with my questions. If only 5% of the actinic support team do this you would be flooded as you are everyday with mail and questions...

          If you do wish to reduce the amount of mail and questions that you recieve, I would contact actinic support and tell them to stop pointing people in your direction.

          I also believe the problem stems from the fact that you have had to bring these scripts out to support actinic software when it should have been actinic themselve that either released the scripts, or sorted the problems out, so that actinic does not need all these scripts to add what some may say is basic functionality in key areas. E.g: certain NETQUOTEVAR not passing between pages and such...

          As you mentioned, I DID miss the part about contributing on your site (have you thought about making it stand out a bit more?), and do not have a problem paying for code that other have invested time in building/developing. You will recieve a donation from myself over the weekend.

          I have now followed your advice and the scripts work as they should. I thank you again for your help and hope that you do not need come to my aid again.


            I'm glad that you got the two patches to interoperate. It would be a nightmare for me to test all my patches against each other and every configuration of Actinic - Catalog / Business / with SSL / no SSL, etc, etc.

            You're quite right about it really being Actinic's job to have the additional functionality that some of these patches provide. Multiple prompts being a good example. There are numerous sites that would have had to look away from Actinic as this functionality was essential to their needs.

            Would you believe that I don't use any of these patches myself. I'm not trying to make a living from Actinic - I just saw that there were some areas where Actinic was weak and went and fixed them. Most of these patches took many days to develop.

            The only one I sort of use is a cascading menu and this is part of an EPOS to Actinic program that is my main concern. After I wrote that I realised that the Community could make good use of it so I rewrote it to be general purpose (lots of work) and even wrote a Delphi GUI to make it easy for end-users to configure. That, by now, is on hundreds of sites.

            I'm glad you're considering contributing - although I rather hope it is your employers who will do so - as I see that they are a billion pound turnover publishing company.

            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              Hi Norman,

              We also missed the bit about paying for use of the free scripts (who knows why - perhaps intentionally on a subconscious level). We've used NorTree on a couple of sites developed this year and find it very capable - how do we go about getting some cash to you? We'd be happy to pay but would obviously require invoice/proof of purchase. Feel free to get in touch via our profile.

              We hope that your increasing (and justifiable) cynicism does not deprive the Actinic community of some great tools. Perhaps it's time to set up a little Actinic site of your own to sell your add-ons via electronic download?

              We'd also hope that the powers that be @ Actinic would recognise your contributions to the community and perhaps look to provide you with some recompense or even take the tools off your hands (for a suitable fee) - anyone from Actinic listening?

              Finally, although we recognise that most people like something for nothing, we'd like to think of ourselves as responsible developers who support the providers of the tools we use. It makes commercial sense for everybody in the "food chain" after all. We understand that your experience in this regard suggest that other users of your tools are not as principled - a short sighted approach in our opinion.

              Please keep up the good work


