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Help on adding a new page to my site

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    Help on adding a new page to my site

    Hi all,

    This may be a simple thing to do but am I having trouble or what.

    All I want to do is to add a new page to my site.

    I have created the shop which has like all actinic sites a index.html. The index page has a pic in the center showing pics about the company. I have added a new brochure page, given it a name, pointed to the gif files I want to use for my nav buttons.

    I then created a new Fragment, gave it a name and entered the text for the new page.

    I have uploaded the site and the index.html page loads with the new button which points to the new page. in this case it is called About_Us.html. I can see on the task bar of the browser that the url is correct.

    BIG BUT, when I click on the button the page loads I still see the pic about the comapny, but not the text I entered on the fragment page.

    OR am I doing this completly incorrectly.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction, PLEASE.

    You can view the site at

    Kind regards


    Missing text

    Are you sure you choose to have image and text and not just an image? ..

    You are right all your files are pointing in the right place you are not going mad!

    Just need to check what you have set that fragment to show, and if you defo put the text in ..

    Was the text pure text or did you mix in some html ? ..
    s a b b i e t a g e d


    A wise Monkey never monkies with another Monkies Monkey ..

