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Catalog As Home Page

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    Catalog As Home Page

    I have only just started using Actinic v6.1.4. Previously I made pages 'by hand' using text editors
    I havent fully RTFM but have just dived in, which could be why my questions seem quite basic.

    Is it possible to make the catalog index page the home page of a site?
    Can one modify the pages in a text editor?

    I haven't quite got my head round how it works fully.
    At the moment I have changed the generated home page to redirect to the catalog page.
    However, it seems that any changes that I make by hand get lost the next time the pages are generated.

    See this thread and all the threads that it links to:
    Bob Ladden


      Thanks for the reply.
      Thats pretty similar to what I have done.

      I think that my issue might lie in not having a host and currently working offline.
      Which pages should I be modifying?
      The only ones I can see are in /Sites/Site1/PreviewHTML

      Surely changes made here will get overwritten the next time pages are generated.


        You never edit the Actinic generated pages. Actinic will keep changing them back. What you do is edit the templates it builds the pages from. This is documented in the advanced user guide available at
        Bob Ladden


          Thanks Bob.
          Took me a couple of hours on dialup to download Apache and Perl

          Hopefully after some reading of the guide and getting my hands dirty things should work out!

