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Major Problems after upgrading to 7.0.2

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    Major Problems after upgrading to 7.0.2

    Hi everyone

    I have just upgraded both our machines to v7.0.2 and refreshed the whole site.

    I am now getting messages saying that the site is not on the same version as the client but I refreshed after the upgrade

    It says the server is EGSA and the Client ECLA but both machines show ECLA when I check the About section.

    I have completely deleted our site from its server and totally uploaded again but still get the error - and I have checked - not only does the order processing machine have the error but the one I uploaded the site from gets the same error

    I cannot download any orders at all!!!!!

    HELP please


    I had exactly the same problem when I upgraded yesterday!

    Firstly, it took several attempts to do a refresh without dropping out with FTP errors, but when the refresh did complete I got the error about the version of the scripts on the server being EGSA while the client was ELCA.

    Several refreshes and countless FTP errors later - same result.

    I eventually resolved it by going to the Help, Troubleshooting menu and selecting Website Purge and Refresh.

    I suggest you try the same, since for whatever reason the script files in the cgi-bin were not getting overwritten by the refresh.

    Tim Weaver
    Consultancy, Innovation & Solutions


      Thanks Tim

      Thanks Tim, that did the job

      I was so worried as I had just finished a major upgrade doubling the number of products, several new ranges under Clothes.

      I must have refreshed the site so many times yesterday but that finally cracked it

      I couldnt stop the problem

      But all is working now

      Thanks again



        I am now having exactly the same problem, and as the new improved ftp upload isn't working it seems I will have to do this and then put up with another 2.5 hour upload over the modem! - AND lose any orders placed in the mean time!

        I'm sorry, but this is complete ****, how can any "UPGRADE" leave you in the position that the enhanced FTP upload doesn't work, a complete refresh over the modem takes 2.5 hours or more and then it still doesn;t work because you then have to do a :

        Web Site Purge & Refresh

        That loses customer orders and suspendes your site for as long as it takes to upload.

        I'm sorry to rant on, but this shouldn't happen
        Tantronics Limited
        Batteries - Chargers - Portable Power - Photo Accessories



          I can feel your pain, but from your other posts it sounds like the problem is with your router rather than Actinic. I seem to remember you saying this yourself, so maybe we should look into that area before blaming Actinic for the problems?

          What router are you using and is it on it's default setting or have you configured any special rules?


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



            Hi Mike,

            The Router is an SMC Barricade, with all the setting at default, I have tried setting the Actinic PC as the DMZ but that doesn't make any difference.

            I agree that the problem may well be with a router setting, but if there are specific issues with using Actinic through a router then surely these should be identified by actinic with a few guide lines to help & advise.

            Also, having now done a complete refresh over the modem taking more than 2.5 hours, I now get the message that started this thread, so have gone to the troubleshooting Web Purge & refresh option. Now I find the whole upload process starts again, but as it's a modem it's another 2.5 hours and that assumes it doesn't drop the line or crash part way through!

            So it's now 1:30 in the morning, & I've got another 1.5 hours or so to go before I kow if this process has worked.

            I would also like to know why all the htlm pages have to be uploaded for a minor revision change to the software, why can't it be just the scripts. Maybe it's just me being bitter and twisted at this time of the morning, but I don't remember seeing anything in the release nores for 7.02 stating that a full site refresh would be needed and that you may have to do it a few different ways before it actually works.

            Sorry, I'm ranting, things will look much better in the morning when everything is working again and I try to forget about 1/2 a days revenue we lost for what should have been a simple and minor update!
            Tantronics Limited
            Batteries - Chargers - Portable Power - Photo Accessories


              Hi David,

              I hope the refresh completed last night night and all's now OK.

              The most common problem with DSL and routers is that they usually need you to have passive ftp enabled to get through the firewall. Have you done that ?

              (I'm sure you probably have, just need to check the basics first )


              PS. I agree. It's strange that it doesn't work when hanging off the DMZ port. I'm not familiar with the SMC routers so don't know what configuration, if any, might be needed for the virtual server, even on the DMZ.

              First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                See also threads:



                Tim Weaver
                Consultancy, Innovation & Solutions



                  Good morning,

                  Thanks for all the feedback & support, the upload finished at about 3:00AM and seems to be working fine, so the "Web Site Purge and Refresh" in the troubleshooting section seems to fix the problem.

                  You're right Mike, I do have pasive FTP enabled, though I've tried just about every other switch too and to some degree I wish it was just operator error.

                  But why do we have to do this rather than "WEB|REFRESH WEBSITE", the Purge & Refresh is in the Troubleshooting section after all.

                  By the sounds of it I'm not alone and lots of other peole are having to do the same.

                  Perhaps there should be a large note as part of the upgrade installation

                  This would have saved me & lots of other people a lot of stress & several hours of messing about.

                  Anyway, I'm now going to try and isolate my upload issues by using a new router and maybee even bypassing the router completely just to rule out our ISP etc.
                  Tantronics Limited
                  Batteries - Chargers - Portable Power - Photo Accessories


                    I am missing something here, I have the old faithful error message:

                    <<The server scripts are incompatible with this version of Actinic. Refresh the web site.

                    If order processing is split from web site maintenance then the two copies of Actinic must be upgraded to the same version.

                    If this error persists, copy the perl scripts from the original subdirectory and try again.

                    Server version = "4 BLYA". Client version = "7 ELCA".>>

                    However I have upgraded from 7.0.1 to 7.0.2 onto a clean server as I am also moving the site.

                    I have done "TROUBLESHOOTING Web Site Purge and Refresh" several times
                    I have compacted the database.
                    I have copied in the original scripts
                    I have purged the catalog
                    I deleted the scripts on the server.
                    What haven't I done?
                    Hanson Web Design
                    Actinic hosting, Actinic Software, template design and re-design


                      I had the same problem Jenny. So I did a site export on the order download PC then imported a snapshot from the development PC, then re imported the export data, and it all worked.

                      I am getting to the situation that once I get the sites stable I might not bother with anymore upgrades and save the annual support fee. They cause more hassle than I am prepared to put up with.
                      Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
                      Bob Isaac
                      Director/Web Admin
                      Volvo Owners Club Ltd

                      Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2


                        First of all I would like to apologise to everyone who has had this problem of incompatible scripts following an upgrade.

                        Secondly, I have some good news on the issue. We've seen the problem intermittently over several releases. The difficulty has been that the majority of users haven't had the issue, and we have never been able to reproduce it internally which has made tracking it down very hard.

                        The good news is that we have finally managed to find a consistent way to reproduce it. This is 90% of finding a fix so I am very hopeful we will fix the bug in the next maintenance release and that this will never be seen again.

                        For the record, our reproduce scenario is as follows:

                        1. Install 6.1.5 upgrade to 7.0.1 (upgrader kicks in) web-refreshed,
                        download an order OK.

                        2. Now upgrade to 7.0.2 (upgrader does not kick in), web-refreshed,
                        download you get the following

                        "The server scripts are incompatible with this version
                        of Actinic........
                        Server version 7 EGSA Client version 7 ELCA"

                        Upgrading 6.1.5 > 7.0.2 all OK
                        Upgrading 7.0.1 > 7.0.2 all OK



                          If the upgrader doesn't kick in, does this mean the upgrade is incomplete?

                          Tim Weaver
                          Consultancy, Innovation & Solutions



                            Originally posted by cbarling

                            "The server scripts are incompatible with this version
                            of Actinic........
                            Server version 7 EGSA Client version 7 ELCA"

                            Upgrading 6.1.5 > 7.0.2 all OK
                            Upgrading 7.0.1 > 7.0.2 all OK

                            Can I correct this. My path has been 6.1.4 > 7.0.1 > 7.0.2 and I had these problems.

                            Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
                            Bob Isaac
                            Director/Web Admin
                            Volvo Owners Club Ltd

                            Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2


                              My upgrade problem disappeared this morning. So perhaps Actinic was just tired!
                              Hanson Web Design
                              Actinic hosting, Actinic Software, template design and re-design

