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Sucking pricelist data from Sage Line 50 to Developer v7

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    Sucking pricelist data from Sage Line 50 to Developer v7

    I have an Actinic site working using product data sucked through from Sage Line 50 v10 via Link for Sage. I'm looking for a way to deploy a second completely seperate site (just upgraded to Developer 7!) using selected Sage product and customer data based on the Sage "price list" function in Line 50 to which certain products and customers belong. I only want to import the customers and products which belong to the "trade" price list but can't find a way to achieve it. I realise it's possible to mess about with .csv files and such, but if it's possible to do it with Link for Sage it would mean the site can easily be updated. Any ideas?

    Hi there

    For Trade Customers you can use "Use a Sage ANALYSIS fields for customer specific transfer handling", in Sage to Actinic Profile.

    For trade product, you could use "Sage Web data fields", just make sure in Sage, that you have got ticked "Publish to Web"

    So it is possible to do this in Actinic Link. Please check the helpfile that comes with Link. Just read the "From Sage Line 50 into Actinic" part.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Thanks Nadeem, I think I've got the job sorted customer wise by entering the code Y53UK in the Sage Analysis Field 1 in the Customer | Defaults tab in Line 50. Please confirm that it isn't nessacery to put an 'N' in all the records which we don't want to transfer - there are over 10,000 of them, added at the rate of 50 per day!

      Our problem is with the products. We're already using all three of the Sage web data fields to create the product sections | sub-sections | sub-sub-sections. We want to export just the products which belong to the sage "trade" price list, and for the trade prices to show on the new site. I can't seem to see how to explain that to Actinic Link!


        Hi Jeremy,

        Please confirm that it isn't nessacery to put an 'N' in all the records which we don't want to transfer
        That's correct

        We want to export just the products which belong to the sage "trade" price list, and for the trade prices to show on the new site. I can't seem to see how to explain that to Actinic Link!
        I'm afraid link cannot export just particular price lists.

        What you could do is edit the export file that is created and remove all the other price list products.

        Toby Blanchard

