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Advanced search on non-actinic pages?

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    Advanced search on non-actinic pages?


    What I'd like to be able to do is extract the advanced search into a non-Actinic template so that it is always available on pages in my site based on this Dreamweaver template. I'm not using brochure pages as I like a little more formatting control in my content area.

    I've done this sort of thing before with Simple Search (thanks Norman et al) using hard-coded links and actinicextras.js and actiniccore.js if I remember correctly.

    This site's on Business 6.1.3.

    If I cut and paste the code from search.html with hard-coded links, what else do I need to do?

    Or is this not possible?

    Thanks, Dan


    What you will need to do is copy the generated code from your search page and add that to your dreamweaver page, ie, upload your actinic site and then go to the search page, view the source of the page and look for the search code. It will look something like:

    <FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="http://localhost/cgi-bin/" ><A NAME="top"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=RANDOM VALUE="NETQUOTEVAR:RANDOM"></A> <Actinic:NOWSERVING/><Actinic:CURRACCOUNT/><Actinic:LOGOUT_SIMPLE/><br><span class="actxsmall"><br><br></span> <input type=HIDDEN name="PAGE" value="SEARCH"><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="600" align="CENTER"><tr> <td colspan=2 valign=TOP align=LEFT><p>&nbsp;</p> <p>To search for a product enter search words, price range, or both below. The results will be displayed with links to the specified product. <Actinic:RETAIL_ONLY_SEARCH/></p><p>&nbsp;</p> </td></tr><tr><td valign="TOP" align="center"><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 width="600"><tr> <td valign="TOP"> <b>Search words</b><br><input type=TEXT name="SS" size=40 maxsize=255><br> Look for products containing<input type=RADIO name="TB" CHECKED value="A"> all <input type=RADIO name="TB" value="O"> any&nbsp;of the above words<script language="JavaScript">
    for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < document.forms.length; nIndex++)
    if (document.forms[nIndex] && document.forms[nIndex].SS)
    // -->
    </script></td><td valign="TOP"> <b>Price range</b><br> <SELECT NAME="PR" SIZE=1 class="mystyle">
    <OPTION VALUE="-1">Any
    <OPTION VALUE="0">£0.00 - £10.00
    <OPTION VALUE="1">£10.01 - £20.00
    <OPTION VALUE="2">£20.01 - £40.00
    <OPTION VALUE="3">£40.01 - £100.00
    <OPTION VALUE="4">£100.01+
     </td></tr> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="GB" VALUE="A"> <tr> <td colspan=2 valign="BOTTOM"> <b>Section</b><br> <SELECT NAME="SX" class="mystyle">
    <OPTION VALUE="0">
    <OPTION VALUE='2'>Basic Products
    <OPTION VALUE='3'>Products with a Range of Options
    <OPTION VALUE='4'>&nbsp;&nbsp;Choice-Dependent Pricing
    <OPTION VALUE='5'>Products with Optional Extras
    <OPTION VALUE='6'>Products Built from Add-Ons
    <OPTION VALUE='7'>Select Items from a List
     </td></tr><tr> <td colspan=2 valign="BOTTOM"> <input type=SUBMIT name=ACTION value="Search"></td></tr></table><p>&nbsp;</p></td></tr><tr> <td valign="TOP">  </td></tr></table>  <br><br><span class="actxsmall"></span> </FORM>
    If you are using the 'search by sections' or by 'price range' and add anything to these in the future, you will have to re-do the code on your non-actinic pages to include the new options.

    I hope this helps.

