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Since upgrading to v7.02 can't create a site snapshot

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    Since upgrading to v7.02 can't create a site snapshot

    Since upgrading to v 7.02 am unable to create a site snapshot.

    Have compacted the database. rebooted the PC, ensured all other apps are closed, turned off virus scanner, etc. etc. and consistently it bombs out at the same place just before completing.

    Get to the last screen when it is going thro the motions of creating the snapshot and then when it should be completed, a windows dialogue box appears with
    " ...Catalog - Internet Sales Application has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. ... Please tell Microsoft about this problem .. blah, blah. [I can attach the report contents if anyone thinks that would help?]

    This prob has only presented since upgrading to v7.02.
    I'm using Developer on Windows XP SP2.
    NB. This is my first site still being prepared and has not yet been uploaded.
    Developer doesn't bomb out at any other time other than when trying to create a snapshot?

    Any suggestions as to why it consistently bombs out at the same place or more importantly how to get it to complete would be much appreciated.

    Many thanks,
    sharon - designer sunglasses at discount prices - solar products at discount prices! - great stuff - great prices

    more info ....

    Checked in the sitesbackup folder to see if the snapshot had actually been completed before bombing out but although the .acd files have been created they are all 0 kb [since upgrading to 7.02 that is].

    The idea being that had there been any content I could have tested importing them on another machine just to see if it was a latent windows exit after the event.

    Still at square one

    Thanks in advance, Sharon - designer sunglasses at discount prices - solar products at discount prices! - great stuff - great prices


      .. and yet more info ...

      Tried to do a database backup when exiting but the program just closes immediately! No if or buts or wherefores just immediate close.

      Is there some fundamental difference in the way v7.02 does backups or creates site snapshots???

      Until this is sorted how do I backup or create site snapshots?
      If I copy the complete site 1 folder and contents will that include ALL the necessary files and templates?? [I can answer my own question by trying this but wondered if anyone else is experiencing these problems.

      Many thanks again, Sharon - designer sunglasses at discount prices - solar products at discount prices! - great stuff - great prices


        Yes copying site 1 will back up everything.

        I have suffered the snapshot error but a long time ago in V5 I think. I seem to recall it was something to do with reallyreallylonglong file names and paths. Are all your images in the Site 1 folder and if they are in an images folder how many levels deep does it go?
        Owner of a broken heart


          There is what is now referred to as a "known bug" whereby if you have a fragment selected when you attempt a snapshot, the snapshot may fail.

          Selecting a product or section, however, allows the snapshot to proceed.

          Tim Weaver
          Consultancy, Innovation & Solutions


            Many thanks Gary & Tim for your responses.

            Copied the site 1 folder and contents onto another PC with v7.02. Everything in tact as Gary confirmed. Managed to create a snapshot from this second PC with no problems but import back onto the orginal machine failed in the same manner as when creating snapshots.

            Gary - yes, have all the images in the site 1 folder but the file structure of the image folder levels are begining to grow a bit, will check file lengths as you have suggested. Is there an optimum/maximum no of characters allowed? - many thanks for your feedback!

            Tim - That's something that would never have occured to me. Will try a few more snapshot attempts noting what is selected - again many thanks for feedback!

            Regards, Sharon
   - designer sunglasses at discount prices
   - solar products at discount prices!
   - great stuff - great prices


              Update ....

              Tim - Yes you are right about the 'known bug'. If a product or section is selected the snapshot creation works OK, if a fragment is selected it bombs out. However, still can't do a database backup, but not too bothered about that, can easily copy the mdb files. Again, many thanks - would never in a month of Sundays have sussed that one out!

              Gary - Longest path/image file name is 36 characters including the image folder that is in the root of the site 1 folder. Again, thanks for bringing that to my attention - can now make sure they don't start to get out of hand.

              Thanks and regards, Sharon
     - designer sunglasses at discount prices
     - solar products at discount prices!
     - great stuff - great prices

