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where's the <br> before NETQUOTEVAR:DISCOUNTINFO

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    where's the <br> before NETQUOTEVAR:DISCOUNTINFO

    Hi all

    Can anybody tell me where I can wring the neck of the <br> that is inserted just before NETQUOTEVAR DISCOUNTINFO?

    Thank you

    It is contained with the productline template for the products....

    Go into Design | options | Section and Product Line button for the default productline template in use overall and you will find it in there, but if you use different productline templates, then you will need to amend them in each that you use..


      hi thanks for getting back

      i'm not sure thats the where the <br> is that I'm looking for. My product template runs as follows: (forgive the clumsy code)

      <td valign="TOP" align="left"> NETQUOTEVAR -TEMPLATEBEGINXML
      <div style="margin-left: 10px;"><span class="actxsmall" style="color: #FF9900; font-weight: bold;">NETQUOTEVAR-DISCOUNTINFO</span>.....

      but you'll see at the url that a break is inserted....

      <div style="margin-left: 10px;"><span class="actxsmall" style="color: #FF9900; font-weight: bold;"><BR>Get two for the price of one!</span>

      The page is at




        I suspect it is pulling it from Act_ProductBody.html (although i dont use this nqv so not sure) as mine certainly has a couple of <br>'s in it!


        Located in Edinburgh UK


          Found it!

          It's Phase: -1, ID: 1200 in 'Design | Text'. Use 'Go to' to go straight there. I'll add this to the AUG.


            Thank you Chris

            A word of warning - its created an interesting problem! If i remove the <br> from ID 1200 - I also lose the line breaks that I insert (using simply the carriage return key on my keyboard) in the Full Description dialogue box (General Tab for each product).

            I can use !!<>!! to enter a break but this removes the a crucial part of the userbility of the full description dialogue box!

            Any ideas where we could go from here?




              Try this - in 'Design | Options | Miscelleous', de-select 'Use <BR> for Paragraphs'.

              This will use a <p> instead of a <br> in your full descriptions - which will mean you will have a blank line between each new line of text. Try it and see what you think.


                thank you very much chris

                looks fine in ie 5.5 and 6 - bit variable on mozilla and our mac browsers funnily enough. the client will have the final call i think.

                btw while i've got your attention - can i use the netquotevar - navbup button to go up one level on a product template - my quick test suggest not.



                  I have a feeling that NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBUP may be to go to the top of the page rather than up a level.


                    don't think so - think it takes you up a level but could be wrong.

                    i've started a new thread on this issue (any navigation ideas to help me? ) as i'd welcome input from other actinic bods. i've pasted the my message below


                    Dear all

                    I've generated a page with some product overviews here and if you click on a product name or image it takes you to the product details page.

                    The only way back for a browser is to use the back button on their browser (not the first thing you'd think of doing) - or the netquotevar - navbup link i've placed beneath the product (which takes all the way back to the first sibling section - not cool!). I have also placed a history -1 javascript link in their for good measure on some product templates (but who wants to go back to the shopping basket page if they've just ordered a product!

                    So none of these is ideal i think.

                    What suggestions does anybody have for how I can take a shopper from a product overview page into a product details page and back out agin to where they were without having to use up precious 'thinking' resource?

