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Discounts, Offers and Product Groups

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    Discounts, Offers and Product Groups


    We want to run a buy 2 get 1 FREE on all of our 200 Products.
    It must be buy 2 of the same product and we give you the 3rd free.

    I have tried this on a demo site and although it works it works on any product and not the same product.

    The only way around this that i can see is that each single product needs to have its own product group and offer.
    But to do this for each seperate product (200) would take hours to do.

    Is there another way?


    Hi Jim

    Is the 3rd free product any product from the catalog, or a specific one, i.e the same product?

    If it is a specific one, then you would need to specify the exact product - i.e. they would have to be in their own product group... that way, you could apply a discount to that particular product, if it is any product the alternative would be to have all the products in one group - but then the discount would apply if you brought any 2 products get 1 free.

    The way to set this up for either would be to set the trigger to be 3, the product group would be the individual product (or if you have it set up as one big product group then select that), the the reward type would be % of cheapest, and the reward amount would be 100.

    This would give you a buy 3 for the price of 2 discount... the only thing you would need to decide is if you wanted this to be buy any 3 product, or buy 3 of the same...

    Hope that helps



      It would be a buy 2 of the same product and get another of the same product free.

      However with hundreds of different products this would mean setting up hundreds of product groups and offers which is not practical....




        Originally posted by jimbo100

        However with hundreds of different products this would mean setting up hundreds of product groups and offers which is not practical....
        Hi Jimmy

        Im afraid it would mean having to do it for each product if you want to have a buy 2 get one free for the same product.

