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Checkout pages in stats

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    Checkout pages in stats

    Can somebody tell me in a statistics package what page would be the abandon shopping cart page, would be in my case /acatalog/wazoola_checkout_on Baby shower gifts.
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    You can state what page is the abandon shopping cart page in Actinic, so its up to you really...

    If you go to Design | Options | Miscellanious, then check the box ;use frames in checkout', you will see a field below that become active 'URL for completed and aborted checkouts', you can put in here the URL that you want people to be atken to if the were to cancel their order... will be the same page also that they are taken to when they click the done button on the reciept page.

    Hoep that helps


      It would be nice if we could define a separate page for abondoned checkouts. From a business perspective it would be nice to have one page that says 'thank you for your order, if you haven't already done so then join our membership scheme to benefit from these great advantages...' and another page that could be used to 'recover' a lost sale.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Abandon shopping cart

        Thank you both for your replies. I have opened up the design | options | miscellaneous there are two boxes unchecked use frames in catalog and no frames in checkout only when I check both boxes does the url option become available.

        So I assume I tick both boxes? Baby shower gifts
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          Hi Thomas

          You should just need to tick the box 'no frames in checkout' to make the url for completed and aborted checkout field active.

          Originally posted by olderscot
          It would be nice if we could define a separate page for abondoned checkouts. From a business perspective it would be nice to have one page that says 'thank you for your order, if you haven't already done so then join our membership scheme to benefit from these great advantages...' and another page that could be used to 'recover' a lost sale.

          At the moment, the option in Design | Options is for aborted and completed checkouts...

          One work around is to edit the act_order04 template, and take out NETQUOTEVARONEBUTTON and replace it with your own hardcoded link - enabling your completed checkouts to go to a different location (a thank you page for example) that the url stated in the field in Design | Options.

          Hope that helps

