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Urgent help required site down

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    Urgent help required site down

    I had a small problem so made a snapshot before doing anything and found my correction had buggered the site

    Tried a snapshot import and got this message below

    Tried an earlier snapshot from 1st Nov and had the same result

    Any help apreciated

    (File ImportBackup.cpp, Line 316) - Archive error 5 - The compression operation failed
    Library error - Can not open file C:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Sites\Internet-Workwear Ltd\ActinicCatalog.ldb ! has been caught.
    (File ExportFiles.cpp, Line 274) - Archive error 13 - Extract selected files call failed
    Library error - Error creating file C:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Sites\Internet-Workwear Ltd\ActinicCatalog.mdb ! has been caught.
    Chris Ashdown

    Computers who needs the fxxxxxxxxxxg things

    I turned off the computer and eventually found a snapshot that would work so its now back up and running

    I have a problem that I thought with support we had fixed but basically when you purchase one item from the Alexandra Healthcare dresses it gives the discounted price for buying two of them. (not a great problem as only £0.50 discount) but support suggested a plain copy of the product and deleting the old product. this looked like it worked but found out another problem after that that Actinic then said this colour was out of stock, strange when we dont use stock control

    I think the only option is to delete the whole section and re-enter all the data anyone have any idear how to do this simply as I want to purchase V7 developer next week and need this sorted before the upgrade

    Other possibility is to just delete all the price details for purchasing more than one item but not sure if that will solve the problem or just move it along untill i re-input it in V7

    Suggestions please

    ps does anyone sell abbacus and take computers in part exchange?
    Chris Ashdown


      I think the only option is to delete the whole section and re-enter all the data anyone have any idear how to do this simply as I want to purchase V7 developer next week and need this sorted before the upgrade
      My suggestion is to go to 'File | Export' and export your store data as a hierarchical file. Then back up your site.

      Then edit the exported file in Notepad (you won't need to use Excel - as Excel sometimes messes up hierarchical files) and make sure you have 'Word Wrap' turned off.

      Leave all the 'Header:' rows as they are and remove all the sections from the main data that you don't need. You can edit the 'Price' rows to get rid of any quantity-dependent prices you don't want. Then re-import the exported section back into Actinic (make sure you do 'Update' rather than 'Refresh'!)


        Chris what line is the price row and what part do I delete

        Enclosed snippet from file
        Attached Files
        Chris Ashdown


          If you want to remove quantity-dependent pricing for the products in that import file, then under each 'Product' row, remove the 'Price' row.

          The attached file should show what I mean. I have also re-instated the 'Header:....' rows at the top of the file which you need in order for this to work.
          Attached Files

