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Components & associated products

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    Components & associated products

    I have a site with quite alot of products with multiple attributes. The price though just changes depending on one attribute, the others just affect the actual stock code.

    So I get the stock code on the order, I am using Components and hidden products like I learned on the course (see I was sort of listening). The only issue being that unless I use Fill List in the Permutations tab, I don't get Associated Product in the Pricing field as an option.

    i.e. if Any Choice is still displayed you only get Component pricing or override

    While I can use Fill List it's just tedious to fill them all in for 30 or so products each with up to 50 variants - it would be great just to do two

    Any ideas or do I just have to bite the bullet ?

    Can I answer my own thread ?

    Just walked the dogs which is always cathartic on a Friday afternoon & realised that if I want a stock code per permutation I have to do it the "long way"

    What this means is I have to enter products/components/attributes & then a single hidden product with an individual stock code per permutation - this is a very long way round - surely just being able to assign a stock code to a permutation would be a simpler, better way to do this ?

    Am I missing something or is this a v8 enhancment ?


      Hi Tom,

      Yeah I'm afraid you will have to assign associated products to all your permutations if they need to be stock monitored. Choices just don’t the functionality as products.

      I will wish list it for you.

      Sorry about that.

      Toby Blanchard


        I'll second the above request: if Actinic could automate such actions i.e. if you associate a hidden product using permutations and then Actinic automatically creates the attributes/choice then that would be a big time save.

