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Code Problem

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    Code Problem

    Hi Folks,

    I've added code from the KB to my Act_productline so that customers can email friends about products that might be of interest.

    This works real well except the word "friend" is being dropped to another line.
    There is plenty of room within the cell for this word and I'm puzzled as to why this is occuring. It makes it look really odd.

    Here's the URL:

    Can anyone spot what is going on ?

    Hope someone can help.

    Myles Sinclair

    Looks ok in Firefox, you viewing in IE ? Try changing px width="100%" to just width="100%" or specify an actual width..i.e width="100"
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    Website | Multimedia | Design - Bradford [ <a href="" title="Website | Multimedia | Design - Bradford [ Future Primeval ]" target="_new">Future Primeval</a> ]
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      Hi Asterix,

      Thanks for your help on this one. First off, you're right, I am using IE.

      I did have widths set at 100% so I tried playing around with width=px.

      Now the following code has managed to get all the text on one line, but now the "OK" button has dropped a line!

      <table border="1" width="250px">
      <td width="230px"> Enter e-mail address to tell a friend
      <input type=text value="" size=30 onchange="
      var thisloc=location.href + '#NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTANCHOR';
      if (this.value != '') {
      location.href='mailto:' + this.value +'?subject=Take%20a%20look%20at%20NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME&body=I%20saw%20' + thisloc + '%20and%20thought%20you%20would%20be%20interested.'
      <input type=button value="OK"></td>

      There's not much point in uploading this, but you can view the code in a browser to see what I mean.

      Once again there is plenty of space for the "O.K." button on the right of the box.

      Any ideas where I might be going wrong? I really need for the "O.K." submit button to be on the same line as the input box.

      Best wishes,




        I played around with the code a bit, made <td width="250px"> instead of 230 and bobs your uncle.

        Now I'm gonna pat myself on the back and clear off to bed!

        Thanks again for your help.

        Will you do me a favour, and check it out in Firefox for me? I've uploaded the new version.

        Best wishes,



          if I change the size of the input box to 20 its fine:

          <table border="1" width="230px">
          <td width="230px"> Enter e-mail address to tell a friend
          <input type=text value="" size=20 onchange="
          var thisloc=location.href + '#NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTANCHOR';
          if (this.value != '') {
          location.href='mailto:' + this.value +'?subject=Take%20a%20look%20at%20NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME&body=I%20saw%20' + thisloc + '%20and%20thought%20you%20would%20be%20interested.'
          <input type=button value="OK"></td>

          on 30 its the next line down, download firefox....its a much better browser than IE!
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          Website | Multimedia | Design - Bradford [ <a href="" title="Website | Multimedia | Design - Bradford [ Future Primeval ]" target="_new">Future Primeval</a> ]
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            Thanks Darren,

            I've made the change! I agree there are much better browsers than IE. I quite like Opera.

            The problem with creating a website though is that something like 95% of users are browsing with Explorer.

            So I'm aiming for a good looking site in Explorer whilst at the same time making it acceptable for people who aren't. I haven't even started testing in other browsers yet. No doubt I'll be in for some surprises!

            Thanks again for your help.

            Best wishes,



              Originally posted by magicalwonders
              The problem with creating a website though is that something like 95% of users are browsing with Explorer.
              ...hopefully for not much longer

              no problem

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              Website | Multimedia | Design - Bradford [ <a href="" title="Website | Multimedia | Design - Bradford [ Future Primeval ]" target="_new">Future Primeval</a> ]
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