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Cart & Checkout Button Help Required

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    Cart & Checkout Button Help Required

    I am struggling to place the Cart and Checkout button outside of the acatalog directory on a side navigation bar (which is a different frame to the main acatalog page)

    The page itself is made up of 3 frames. The side Nav Bar, the Top header and the right hand Main page which contains acatalog.

    The Cart and Checkout buttons are fine inside the Main frame, however I want to add these 2 features to the left hand side Navigation frame (in the form of 2 buttons)

    Although I know I can easily move the NavBar.html inside the acatalog folder to restore the missing images (when outside /acatalog) I am having problems with the auto refresh URL in the Checkout and the "return to the catalogue" links in the Cart.

    I end up with the entire site loaded (incl. all 3 frames) back into the Main frame when the Checkout refreshes after 5 seconds and I get the NavBar.html page inside the Main frame when clicking the "return to the catalogue" link in the Cart..

    1. Is there an easy way to have the Cart and Checkout buttons outside /acatalog ?
    2. How can I add a target to the refresh URL= command in the Checkout Page when nothing is in the cart?
    3. How can I change the Cart's "Return to the Catalogue" links to reflect a java history back command instead of the referer?

    Just as a final thought, regarding the Checkout page refresh URL= command, where is the URL sourced from?

    Thanks for any help...

    It would be nice to see these 2 buttons available on the Nav Bar as it would help our users navigate more easily..

    I do not wish to post the sites URL here, if you need it to better understand the problem, please contact me.

    Hi Graeme,

    What happens if you hard code the buttons in your frame:

    Checkout button:

    Cart button:

    Toby Blanchard


      When the buttons are placed outside the main frame (the source of which is /acatalog) into the left hand Nav bar (navbar.html in the parent directory) none of the images load..

      As I said, this is no big deal as I can move the Navbar.html into the /acatalog directory, however, the problem is when people don't have items in the cart/checkout.

      At present the refresh URL is in the checkout header. This then loads all 3 frames (the site) back into the main frame instead of the _parent frame....

      As for the cart, the "return to the catalog" takes you back to the last page you linked from (which in this case is which causes the side bar to load again inside the main frame....

      I need to know how I can change the target for the refresh command in the header of the checkout (as well as the "click here" manual link) and also how to change the cart "return to" links to java history back commands.


        Hi there,

        none of the images load
        Can you just quickly check something for me?

        What are the URL's of the images?

        Do you have <Actinic:BASEHREF VALUE="NETQUOTEVAR:BASEHREF"/> within the <head> tags in the Primary template?

        Toby Blanchard


          Let me clarify something.

          Actinic URL paths are fine. The operation of Actinic is fine within the main frame of the site.

          The Checkout and Cart buttons work perfectly from within this main frame.

          All I actually want to do is have these 2 buttons echoed (albeit with different images) on an html page (outside Actinic) in the navigation frame.

          The problem with the images can be easily overcome by moving the source for the navigation frame (Navbar.html) from the parent directory into the /acatalog directory.

          The problem is that the links and auto refresh destination are unsuitable as you cannot link back to the Navbar.html as a previous page (as you get the navigation bar inside the main frame) and refreshing the sites index2 frameset (via the refresh command in the checkout) reload all 3 frames into the main frame totalling 6 frames altogether...

          All I really want to do is change the auto refresh url, the "if not forwarded click here" link and the "Return to the Catalogue" link in both the Checkout and Cart respectively to ../index2.html target="_top"


            Regarding my last post.

            In fact I would prefer to load the catalog index (/catalog) as the hyperlink from the auto refresh/click here & return to catalog links in the checkout and cart.

            No target info would be needed and I would then be able to use the buttons outside the main frame...(I intend to leave the original cart /checkout buttons in the main frame, but at the base of the page)

            I would appreciate it if some1 could assist with this as it can't be that difficult.....

