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Multi-Column Layout Tweak

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    Multi-Column Layout Tweak

    I'm using a two column layout using Normans Multi-column code, and I was wondering if it is possible to increase the space between the two columns?

    At the moment I have quite a bit of grey space either side of the columns. Widening the space between the two columns would give more balance to the look. If you check out this URL you'll see what I mean.

    If increasing the space is not possible, I had thought as an alternative that I might be able to reduce the width of the grey box itself. After editing lots of different templates without success, I turned on as many borders as I could find, but nothing seems to put a border around this outer box.

    It would seem that this grey box is the background to the page? So I tried increasing the width of the left hand side bar. All it did was to push the grey box to the right!

    Anyone got any ideas on how to separate the columns a bit or decrease the width of the grey box?

    Many thanks,

    Myles Sinclair

    The table that contains each product is created by JavaScript in your product templates (I think you missed that when turning on borders).
    if ( currentcol++ == 0 ) document.write('<tr><td colspan=3><table border=0><tr>');
    You could try adding some cellspacing or style there.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks Norman,

      I had missed that bit in my Act_Productline template. I've now adjusted it to include cellspacing="10".

      Now this works well as far as spacing the columns vertically, but now the products have too much horizontal space between each other in each column.

      I'm guessing that Act_Productseparator is the template that controls this? Can I use cellspacing in this template to control the horizontal space between products?




        No - I'm afraid that won't work.

        It would require quite significant changes to the JavaScript (and a new Custom Property or two i.e. HSPACING, VSPACING) to add in what you want. It has to work with at least IE, Mozilla, Opera and also fail safe on JavaScript disabled browsers (especially important so that search engine spiders can index your pages).

        I will probably do this (it seems useful after all) but I'll only post it on where you'll find that all my patches are now "Donation Ware" as supporting them, keeping them up-to-date with changes in Actinic, Windows, Browsers and dealing with all the queries I get (or those Community posts that only I can answer) is taking up all my time.

        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Hi Norman,

          Thanks for explaining this. Drillpine is on my list of favourites so I'll watch out for the update.

          I think it's only fair you are compensated for your time and effort. Donation ware sounds like a good idea.

          Best wishes,



            Yes. I got a little irked recently when being asked directly for help and discovered that the company had a Billion pound turnover. Now is Boeing using Actinic?

            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

