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Sub-Section Question

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    Sub-Section Question

    I'm creating sub-sections under my existing sections so as to limit the number of products per page being displayed.

    I can't find anything in the KB or the User Guides that deal with Sub-Sections. I've read most of the threads on the forum but I'm having a difficult time understanding this topic.

    It seems logical (to me at least!) to number the additional subsections Page 2, Page 3 etc., This works fine for the first main section, but when I try to apply this to the remaining sibling sections, Actinic won't let me, saying "page already exists, choose a unique name".

    I've tried selecting an alternative overall layout for each of my main sections.
    Act_Primary1, Act_Primary2 etc, but this doesn't solve the problem.

    I realise I can achieve my unique name by repeating the name of the sibling section, such as "Biscuits Page 2, Cat Food Page 2 etc., but my navigation at subsection level will then look like "Online Catalogue>Cat Food >Cat Food Page 2. In short, it will look terrible.

    I was hoping to put together a template solution somehow, so at least under each main section I could create Subsections numbered sequentially.

    Anyone got any ideas how I can do this?

    Hope someone can put me out of my misery.

    Many thanks,

    Myles Sinclair

    i've not tried this, but possibly you can have multiple Section Names called Page 2 page 3 etc, as long as the Page Name is different for each.


      Hi Jo,

      Do you mean having additional Sibling sections called SomethingPage 1, somethingPage 2, somethingelsePage 1, somethingelsePage 2 etc..,?
      The problem I see with that is if I have ten sections (or more) plus ten pages per section, I'll end up with a list of over 100 sections in my left hand navigation! As I'm trying to keep to about ten products a page, my navigation will be several times longer than each page of product.

      I found this thread from V6 Forum which seemed to have cracked the problem. Unfortunatley I don't really understand the solution and haven't had any feedback from my posting.

      I'm sure it will probably make much more sense to you. If you or anyone else gets time to explain it to me (remember, there's a reason I'm a big fan of Dummies books!) I'd be really grateful.




        Hi Myles,

        Looks like James is looking at this on your other post.

        Toby Blanchard


          Hi Toby,

          Yes, I seem to be making more progress now using the thread on Forum 6.
          I only posted to this forum as I am a Ver.7 user and thought I wasn't going to get a reply on the other thread.

          Just as an observation here, the info concerning linking subsections seems to be very sparce. Although Sibling sections are dealt with quite well in both the KB and the user guides, there is nothing I could find on how to get links to subsections established.

          The threads I found were a bit difficult to understand and somewhat conflicting in some cases. I think a lot of people are affected by this topic and it would be good if Actinic included half a page in the KB or user guides explaining how to do it in easy steps.

          Does this qualify for a wish list?

          Best wishes,



            Not a perfect answer but I got round this calling sections - Badges A - B, Badges C - D, etc. Have a look, its not too bad, good to have words in there for the search engines too.
            Football Heaven

            For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


              Hi George,

              I can see from you site how this works for you.

              My problem is that once I've sorted my products into initial sections, there is no further categories to be made within each section. So I really need that "Next page"/"Previous page" function.

              I will persevere though. Watch this space!

              Best wishes,


