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Orders outside Actinic Best Practice

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    Orders outside Actinic Best Practice

    I would like some advice from the more experienced users of Actinic regarding the best process for handling orders outside of Actinic.

    We currently process our Actinic online orders using HSBC. We also have an Ebay shop with exactly the same items as our Actinic shop and we process payments here through Paypal.

    To keep things manageable and auditable I am thinking of manually entering the ebay shop orders through offline ordering in Actinic.

    OR, is there a better way.

    This is what the Offline Order system is designed to provide, with many finding this a very usefull addition to the Actinic featureset, so would go along that route and see how you feel it works for you.

    Offline Orders is a new feature of v7, so in our opinion can be improved we thinks in future releases, but in its current form provides a good solution and set of features.


      I find it very useful now, keeps the catalogue stock control in touch, and keeps a record of customer orders.

      How did we ever manage without it?
      Football Heaven

      For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


        How did we ever manage without it?
        We probably did what I still do on V6. Go to the website and enter the order there.

        Ah the joys of broadband. Now how did we ever manage without that ?


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          Thats what we did! Must be a wee bit ill-eee-gal though. Nowadays.
          Football Heaven

          For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


            Must be a wee bit ill-eee-gal though.
            Really? I can't think of a reason why. It's not being made publically available in any way.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              It has to be in some way, using other folks data (without permission) to place orders on the interwebby, even if it is to ourselves. Maybe not, be interesting to find out though, I'd be very surprised if it wasn't. Mind you, how does anyone find out you've done it? :-)
              Football Heaven

              For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                All you're doing is entering the order into your system. I don't think it really makes any difference whether you enter the order into the PC itself, into another PC via a LAN, or remotely via a web server.

                As long as it's secure and you don't expose the information to others then there's nothing to worry about.

                As far as the Data Protection Act is concerned, entering the information into your system for core business purposes is allowed and doesn't require notification (in most cases).


                First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


