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CUSTOMVAR - yet another 7.02 problem

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    CUSTOMVAR - yet another 7.02 problem

    i don't know if this is a variant of the other 7.02 customvar problem, or part of the same, but here goes

    i have a structure

    ---section A
    --- subsection A1
    --- subsection A2
    ---subsection Ax
    ----subsection Ax1
    ----subsection Ax2
    ----fragnment_Ax2: intro to subsection Ax
    ---fragment_A: intro to section A

    i have a CUSTOMVAR:SECTION_TITLE, which i used as a 'header' for each page

    before 7.02, ie. in 7.01, all worked according to Actinic documentation

    Now section A header is the one i allocated to subsection Ax and the the header for subsction Ax is now the one allocated to subsection Ax2

    in other words Actinic now takes the argument to the CUSTOMVAR:SECTION_TITLE from the last subsection at each section level

    (using instead a dummy product for the section intro fragment still has the same problem)

    ... i checked a parallel installation at home with 7.01 and it works as it should

    i would rather revert back to 7.01, until this mess with CUSTOMVARS is sorted out.... can someone let me know how to do that


    Hi there

    Do you have a snapshot of your store before you upgraded to 7.0.2? If so, have you been downloading and processing orders since upgrading to 7.0.2?

    If the answer to the second question is 'no', then you can just uninstall 7.0.2, install 7.0.1 and import the snapshot, refresh the store and away you go.

    If, however, the answer to the second question is 'yes' then you need to complete and process all the orders on 7.0.2 then suspend online ordering, uninstall 7.0.2, install 7.0.1, import the snapshot, suspend ordering and refresh the store. Then un-suspend ordering and update the store.

    Hope that makes sense.



      It turns out you can run the v7.0.1 installer over your v7.0.2 installation and it will downgrade you back to 7.0.1 - and keep all your recent orders.

      You learn something new every day!


        version 7.01

        i originally got 7.0 and then upgraded to 7.01 (and then 7.02)
        can i use the 7.01 patcher or do i download the 7.01 (30 day trial version) and...

        thnaks for your help so far


          You should be able to simply run the 7.0.1 patch to carry out the downgrade.

          Do take a snapshot of your 7.0.2 site first though - just in case.

