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Refreshing causing major stress.

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    Refreshing causing major stress.

    Here we go.

    We add new products every week, maybe twenty odd one day, none the next two, maybe ten the day after. Like today we've added maybe thirty new products (some with images) and one new section. I do purging and compacting databases most days. In the last ten days I reckon I've been forced to do three separate refreshes because of the update being unable complete a number of times in a row. You get no indication this is going to happen, you only find out after about eight failed attempts at the update. Funnily enough, no thats wrong, its no longer funny, sometimes it does complete at the third attempt or something, but usually a complete refresh is the only solution. This, even with the cough, advanced ftp enabled, is taking two and a half (business) hours or so to complete.

    Now. After failing to update a number of times this morning I've tried everything to avoid a refresh. I've purged, compacted, closed then reopened Actinic, rebooted pc, done a comact again. Basically everything I can do. But it still insists on failing to update fully, forcing us to do a refresh when we really do not want to do one. I've done my best on this although I'm no expert as you all know.

    Why. I can understand when major restructuring alterations (adding, altering templates, doing work that affects every page, whatever) have taken place, but the adding of a few products within maybe two or three pages. Maybe we should limit adding items to a Sunday every week, and do a refresh straight after. Far from ideal, but it alows us to use Actinic during the business hours when we need it most. How are we supposed to get orders out the same day if the Catalgues getting refreshed all afternoon?

    Made worse. As I, and many others, including some of the regular forum users, keep saying that the refresh takes so long because of the uploading of the images every time.

    Workaround. I do realise that the pages, cat files, etc change and when you have a new site you need these uploaded but maybe its time we had a `part refresh` where it uploads everything except the images.

    Do I have a problem of some kind that causes these `essential refreshes` or if not can we at least speed up the workaround which is the unavoidable refresh.

    Football Heaven

    For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.

    Can feel your frustration ooozing out of this thread....

    As we've discussed on previous threads, we're in a very similar position to you in that we both use the same host, have large sites with thousands of products and images, and both do fairly large updates of products with images every week (we tweak the site on average 4-5 times a week, with major new product additions once a week). The only diffrence is we're currently using version 5 (and I'm quite glad we've not yet installed our version 7, as there seems to be quite a lot of problems being reported with 7.02).

    I agree completely about having the option of refresh without images.

    The reason for this reply is to suggest what works best for us. Whilst we still have the problems with updates that you've outlined, I really do find that time of day plays a big part.
    Give it a go for a few days limiting updates to either before 11:30am (if you can do before 8am thats even better), or after 4pm (try 4pm - 6pm).
    Definately avoid 12 mid-day - 3pm.

    Its not a fix, but just see if that works for you. It certainly helps ease the number of times I get the sort of frustrating days you are having.

    Good luck


      Thanks for the reply Martin. Agree with your assesment of ideal times not to update. But, I assume your site is similar to mine that you have a number of items that you only have one off in stock, and when ordered the stock levels need to be adjusted on the site as soon as possible, its horrible when two customers order the same thing straight after each other and you haven't updated. I'd say this was a basic, not a luxury requirement of any website wishing to progress. The `unable to update issue ` will be there whatever time of day it is, and you simply cannot see it about to happen till it dosen't actually update. I also reckon an unfinished refresh can leave the site in an `unable to order` state so it has to be done. However long it takes.
      Football Heaven

      For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


        Hi George,

        This is a bit of a nightmare because it is going to stop your stock control working - do you think that it would help to have a refresh done each night at say 2am or do you think that you would still have problems occuring?

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          Can't do without the automation during the night. I reckon the `forced refresh` generally happens after some product alterations (however minimal) or whatever which is going to happen during the day although its probably mostly in the forenoons. Here's a small example. Yesterday afternoon a guy ordered 48 badges, 15 of which then went `out of stock`. The site needs to be updated asap so no-one else can order these, we can not in any way wait for ten hours for the site to be updated.
          Football Heaven

          For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


            Surprised there's not been a response to this thread from the very nice Actinic peeps.
            Football Heaven

            For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


              Hello. I'm a nice Actinic type.

              I'm almost certain that there is a configuration issue with your network that is causing a problem with Actinic, as you frequently have these uploading problems.

              Diagnosing the problem is more tricky.

              If you register an email support query at then at least the team there can test your server and see if there is anything there which is preventing the successful uploads.

              Otherwise, you are looking at a firewall issue on your PC or on your Network, or maybe an issue with a proxy server. The guys on there can give some advice, but every installation is different.

              Sorry I cannot be more positive. The only other thing I might say is that if you are using 7.0.2, try the 'Web Site Purge and Refresh' on the 'Troubleshooting' menu as this has helped some people.


                The website purge and refresh has been done recently, does not seem to make any difference, maybe initially, but who knows?

                I may log a support query, but we've a couple of major happenings (broadband coming to this phone exchange at last, and still considering moving webhosts) going on soon, so I thought it may be best till they were over. I sometimes run the network test, and it never shows up any problems.

                Tried to update maybe four times in a row yesterday, all unable to complete, cutting off at the merge files bit at the end, managed to complete at the fifth attempt though. All other updates yesterday went through okay.
                Football Heaven

                For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                  Hi George
                  Just reporting what appears to be a dead link (might be you have hidden the section, but still being picked up on next/last links).
                  From here:

                  signed balls link appears dead




                    The signed items are a magnet for fraudulent attempts so I've now made them unable to order online. One of the wee quirks of the next links is that it brings up hidden section, a pain when you are working in them, prior to making them live. The best way round them that I can see is to put them all in one section, at the bottom of the section list.

                    Thanks for the pointers though...appreciate any feeback on the rest of the site as well. Maybe the bits that are even workin

                    You thinking of changing hosts Martin, or is Clara any better? I actually find it really hard to tell.
                    Football Heaven

                    For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                      Hi George

                      Yup, we put all our hidden stuff at the bottom of the tree. The next/prev links code could really do with updating by Actinic though, as its a bit silly allowing 'hidden' sections to be linked to.

                      On the subject of changing hosts - to be honest, I'm scared *tless of changing anything at the mo. The site is so large, and active, that I can't really afford to get it wrong.
                      I'd change if it could be shown that the upload problems we experience are caused by Claranets servers, and that a move would solve this, but can't say I'm convinced at the moment, and the upload/refresh things seems to be a major issue with a lot of posters, and I'm sure they are not all with Claranet.

                      I'm even worried about upgrading my Actinic from Catalog5 to Business7, even though I purchased it a couple of months back. There seems a lot on the boards lately about all the trouble peeps are having with 7.02.

                      Most likely route for me is to work on my version 7 upgrade after the Xmas 'rush' (if any potential customers are listening, I said there is going to be a Xmas rush, so make it so PLEASE), then see if that solves any problems.

                      If not, then I'll take a serious look at alternative hosts after that.
                      I haven't had any issues with Clara up until now, other than the stalling uploads, and I can't be sure its a server problem.

                      It has crossed my mind to set up a mirror site on another server, to test for improvements (its a relatively minor cost in the scheme of things), but I guess that will also wait until next year.

                      Any views always welcome.



                        Must agree with your reservations of changing hosts, plus the fact that its the wrong time of year to be `offline` for any length of time.

                        Does anyone have these uploading problems, NOT hosted with Claranet I wonder? Broadband will help the uploading time for me but we use the Mole End automated add on and it never seems to fail to upload during the night. Is this a critical clue?
                        Football Heaven

                        For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                          I have now registered this issue with the support team. I think that as there are a few people with this issue that, either, there is a `setting` at Claranet that needs adjusting to smooth uploading, or, their servers are simply not capable of handling our sites to the standard required.

                          Hopefully the investigations can find out where the fault lies.
                          Football Heaven

                          For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                            Fingers crossed George.
                            It would be nice if support can at least pin down a reason - then maybe the solution will become clearer.


                              I think we all know what, or should I say who, the problem is mate.
                              Football Heaven

                              For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.

