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    Hello, I'm just getting used to the software so excuse me if this is a stupid question.

    I'm trying to create a product that is actually a ticket (for and I've managed to get 1 page with the ticket options on that I need. What I can't do, however, is get a date option (such a drop down list) that would be applicable to all the selected options. I'd ideally like it to be next to the "add selection to cart" button if it can be done.

    I've got to show a demo to my boss on friday afternoon to convince him to buy the software so any help would be much appreciated!

    The products come with a date range facility, but I am not sure if you need to have it set to specific dates only, which is not possible in the default mode, but go into your product and Layout tab and you will find a Date Range Start and Date Range End, which is year related, so this will give you dates, which you assign a Date Info Question to...

    Example of this: click buy on the gift wrapping and will see the date range option come up online.

    A start for you maybe


      Hmm, had a go, but it doesn't appear to be what I need, as we are not open every day.

      I don't mind manually creating a drop down list of dates.

      I'd ideally like a way of having: Choice 1: how many family, adult or child tickets you would like, and Choice 2: a list of dates to choose from that would apply to all of Choice 1.

      Sounds like I should be getting components and attributes to work together (Choice 1 being component based, Choice 2 being attribute) but the program says it is not possible to have Attributes when it already has Components.

      If anyone else has a suggestion I'd Be SO grateful.




        I don't think the previously suggested solution is at all what you're after - but I can suggest a way around this....

        What you probably need to do is setup an extra input field for this ticket product - name it "Date" and either alter the extra input template to include some kind of popup calendar afterward...

        like this:

        But... this is going to then mess up all uses of the extra input field... to the cleanest way to do this is to create a special product template for this particular product (or product type) and include all the extra HTML/JavaScript within the template - which is how I would do it.


        Greg Hewitt-Long
        Web Design & Ecommerce - Affordable Web Hosting
        Free and low cost Merchant Accounts coming soon..
        NOD32 Antivirus - Reciprocal Links for Actinic Sites ONLY


          Thanks very much, it looks pretty complicated - but I've got all afternoon to figure it out!

