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Two Actinic Sites Accessing Single WorldPay Account

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    Two Actinic Sites Accessing Single WorldPay Account

    We have an existing Actinic 4 installation on one domain and want to eventually update this site. In the meantime we have developed another version 7 site, selling the same items and want to have this hosted under a separate domain. We want to have the orders processed by the same WorldPay account until such times as we pull the plug on the other site or just replace with a version 7 site and keep the two running in tandem.
    Is it possible to have two sites at different versions use the same WorldPay account? If so, how would it be best to handle the order numbers? Currently these are made up of 4 unique digits with customer postcode details. The chances of these matching from the two sites is slim.

    Andrew Fish
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    You can create a second site under the same worldpay account for no extra cost, you have to be selling similar items (for me software and paper were similar enough to qualify for the second id). If you want to use the same worldpay ID I would suggest adding something to the order number that denotes the site ID to guarentee having a unique number or you could use the feature in V7 that allows you to set the order number to make the id high enough to make the numbers unique.

    Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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      When I was with worldpay they gave me a second and third account for free but you do have to use seperate accounts they supply, not the same details two or three times. this was last year so may have changed by now but worth checking
      Chris Ashdown

