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Submission - Google vs Yahoo. Yahoo????

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    Submission - Google vs Yahoo. Yahoo????

    Hi - me again


    I'm trying to get my site indexed within Google and Yahoo.

    Google is going well. Pretty much all pages indexed (although where I have duplicates only one page is indexed - and this is the copy - not sure why).

    But Yahoo is a different story. I can't figure out why Yahoo isn't crawling through my site?

    Can anyone give me any pointers?

    Thanks in advance.
    KJ Beckett
    Men's Clothing & Accessories
    Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
    Bath, England
    Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
    Men's Fashion Blog

    Me Too! Whats going on

    I have 2 sites. The first has been going 4 years, using web position gold I have had great success at the top of Google and Yahoo.
    With this in mind I set about a second site. This has been live for 3 months. with the run upto Halloween (our busyest time of year) the traffic kept comming and the rankings going up, then day by day our rankings have fallen, google has completely kicked me out and Yahoo is following, I havent got a clue what to do next. The more I try to correct it the more I get kicked out
    Any ideas?



      Yahoo knows your site exists

      Does the yahoo bot show in your stats? Baby gifts UK
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        search engines

        Tee Jay

        Are you reffering to the funnystuff site?
        I have no signature


          Google vs Yahoo

          Hi Thomas

          Yeah. I think Yahoo bots are hiting the site.

          A few more of my pages are listed on Yahoo now - but no where near the 360 individual pages on Google. It still looks like Yahoo is struggling (or doesn't want to) index the entire site.

          I also - today - have 65 pages on the new MSN beta search - shooting up from 10 yesterday. So looks like MSN could be okay in the long run. We shall see.

          I think it might be todo with direct links - i dont have many with Google but I have some - whereas on Yahoo - nothing. I have resorted to the manual submission form.

          KJ Beckett
          Men's Clothing & Accessories
          Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
          Bath, England
          Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
          Men's Fashion Blog


            Yahoo indexing


            Further to my comments below - I think I am well on my way to getting a site with good opitimisation. Some of my rankings on Google and the new MSN.beta are good. On both of these engines almost all my pages are indexed.

            But I am still having trouble getting indexed by Yahoo. I currently have 28 pages indexed on Yahoo - out of a possible 350 or so.

            Many of the pages are ones that I manually submitted. But at least I have proven that Yahoo will index something!

            As I said - I think my SEO is going okay. I am using html links ..etc.

            Can anybody see anything obvious that I am doing wrong to get Yahoo to pick me up - . Any advice would be appreciated.


            KJ Beckett
            Men's Clothing & Accessories
            Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
            Bath, England
            Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
            Men's Fashion Blog



              Yahoo to me appears very slow to pick up and index sites and pages, just recently our site has had more pages indexed so I think it’s a matter of waiting.

              I have noticed that Yahoo likes the actinic pages more that the pages that I have spent time optimising, which is a bit frustrating.

     Baby slippers
     Free to submit directory.
              I have no signature

