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Keeping customers logged in - problem with price scheduled customers

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    Keeping customers logged in - problem with price scheduled customers


    I am making some changes to the site we created in Actinic some months ago, now the business is progressing there is a greater need for accounts - not so much of the public nature, but more for trade use.

    I have created a second price schedule called 'trade' and made a few test users on our test server, and use the login technique of:


    to log customers in. This works great; retail customers with accounts still see the standard pricing and those marked as trade see the prices they should also (the "Retail Price" and "Your Price" functions) on the page. However, if they add some stuff to their cart and then wish to go back to the page (the continue shopping on the basket page goes back to the my_page.html, naturally) there is only 1 price shown - the Retail Price. This is the same if they browse some other section of the site then to back to the my_page.html to shop - the "Your Price" prices are hidden but when the user adds to cart, the prices are correct (i.e. they are at trade price), so the site is not 'losing' the login, just not showing the right prices unless you go via the login cgi.

    Is there a way to fix this?


    Reading through the forums and the knowledge base, I'm wondering if editing my main products page to utilise the SHOWFORPRICESCHEDULE function is the way to fix this (as described in

    I'll have a go anyway, but if anyone could confirm this or point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it!


      No, that isn't working at all.

      Can anyone please suggest why price schedules are not automatically working for logged in customers?

      My store page is I have setup 2 price schedules - 'retail' and 'trade' - and after logging in using the technique described in the knowledgebase like such:


      a trade customer is shown the correct pricing (a "Your Price: £x.xx" appears below the regular price, showing the customer their saving). However!! When I add something to my cart, and then click my 'continue shopping' button on the cart page (this re-directs customers back to ../Gourmet_Stocks.html) to go and add something else, I am NOT shown the correct prices - only the general retail prices. If I go ahead and add one of these to my cart the site does add it at the correct reduced trade price, so it knows I am a registered customer, but WHY is it not showing the correct prices all of the time?

      Please, any suggestions!


        Even if I check 'hide retail prices' in the customer's account, the same thing: when logged in, great! Return to the stocks page...


          Previous discussion

          Do a search on my posts and you should find that keeping an account holder logged in was a massive issue for us some months ago... the are some workarounds and bodges that solve the problem, not pretty but effective - hopefully that'll get you on the right path...


            Hi there

            Can anyone please suggest why price schedules are not automatically working for logged in customers?
            Please check in your customer account, does it have Retail set as the Price Schedule or do you have Trade set in here. For each customer account, you will need to set it to the Trade price schedule.

            Normally if you set the customer account to use the trade price schedule, then it will display the trades prices next to the retail price

            Kind Regards
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development


              DavidGeran: thanks, your site and login/pw have been somewhat useful, shame that your old post about vanishing customer logins was never completed as that is the exact same issue I have! Will trawl the rest tonight!!

              Nadeem: yes, on my test server I have 2 customer accounts created as test cases, 1 is marked as retail and the other trade, definitely!

              I managed to create a sample of the problem on our current live site, hopefully this might help visualizing the issue:

              A previously created page exists where users can login to and view some basic account info, including an order-track and order-history facility drawn from a seperate php+mysql database - this has proved unnecessary thus far, but users do stay logged in even when changing pages - this is for one reason, outlined below.


              2) l/p - martinj / password

              This takes you to the account section mentioned above. Now I am logged in - if I choose "Log In" from the drop-down menu anywhere on the site, I am not prompted for a username or password so yes, I AM logged in. However, it seems I am only staying logged in because I hard-code into the drop-down menu the login URL (../cgi-bin/ss000001.cgi...etc), not just the target page (/acatalog/welcome2.html). If you login and then go to any page, and then to return to the logged in page, instead of choosing "Log In" from the menu you tell your browser to go to, you are refused entry.

              This shows how the site seems to be 'losing' my login information, so when I use the same method (myserver/cgi-bin/ss000001.cgi?SECTIONID=Gourmet_Stocks.html) to let trade customers shop, their login information is lost as soon as they leave my main page.

              Hope that helps?

              p.s. I should mention the site above is live, the amendments will not be visible!


                Originally posted by Nadeem
                Hi there

                Please check in your customer account, does it have Retail set as the Price Schedule or do you have Trade set in here. For each customer account, you will need to set it to the Trade price schedule.
                -- Just a recap on this, created a new customer account when I got into the office this morning just to see if my initial account was corrupted somehow, and the same happens. *shrug*


                  Ok, I think I have figured it out now ... finally!

                  Many thanks to DavidGeran - I didn't get to trawl your previous posts, but your website itself pretty much held the key, looks like I have to make use of the cgi scripts and use the "...&NOLOGIN=1" parameter on urls to keep the account active on non-cart pages.

                  Thanks again

