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Trust Me It's Not Working

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    Trust Me It's Not Working


    I have recently uploaded to a new server. I can order products from my store - but when someone orders a digital download they do not get a link to the download included in the merchant receipt, or are they sent an e-mail with the link included. Also when actinic retreives the order it gets sent to the pending payment folder. My site is currently featured on the actinic home and page so i would love to get it sorted soon. Any ideas?

    Heres the URL


    If you have moved to a new server, did it work before?

    If so, check with your new server provider if it has all of the required server modules and set ups etc for Actinic to function 100% as you require it to.



      yes it has, i checked with them before i rented the new server. they support actinic and also offer actinic hosting.



        Might be an idea to get them to provide the network settings then, so that you get the set up from the horses mouth (so to speak)


          you wouldnt have any explanation as to why the link is not being included in the merchant receipt, so i can give them some information, so to speak.



            If it worked before the move and now it is no longer appearing, then it is either a change in your config/settings somewhere within the software, which if you are 100% certain has not happened, then something within your network settings, although I am not sure how a change in network settings could adversly affect the content of emails sent from the software, so would hazard that something has been changed in your templates somewhere, but if you can not upload then this is academic and you will need to get that bit sorted and operational (which may solve the other problem), but you wont know til that is achieved.

            Sorry dont have the answer straight off for you.


              I have uploaded, the store is fully functioning on the following url
     this is where i am testing from. I have taken the link off the main site to it so it can not be accessed and it has been down all day, but it accessible at that url.

              The only changes made were running the network wizard again - which it passes - but it does not send the confirmation e-mail. Templates have not been touched, none of the settings have been touched apart from running the wizard. The sales go through - the customer buys a digital download and gets a receipt e-mail from worldpay. But the download link does not appear in the worldpay merchant receipt, nor does the e-mail get sent to the customer with the download link, and we do not get the e-mail order sent to us. All this used to happen before.

              You can run through a transaction on the url above as it is in test mode.




                can i e-mail you a zip file with my settings?



                  I have been informed by my host that the problem i am experiencing is due to smtp authentication and was advised to apply the patch at the bottom of the url below;


                  its for using sendmail instead of smtp and alters the file

                  I have altered this file in the original folder.

                  The orders e-mails are now sent through ok to us, and the orders are retreived from actinic - but the customer is still not getting their order e-mail with the download link, and the download link in the merchant recepit from worldpay does not work - it goes to a page not found error. If anyone could please please help i would be delighted - the store has been down for three days now. I believe we are entitled to an upgrade to audio store 7 but its still not available and i know there are certain fixes that might help with it but we are totally stumped on this at the moment.



                    Hi Andy

                    With reference to this issue, i am in contact with your client - Chris from Stonehenge Internet Services. I have advise him with some points on what to do.

                    Kind Regards
                    Nadeem Rasool
                    SellerDeck Development


                      invoice test

                      I tired the set up as invoice test - no luck with that.



                        Hi Nadeem,

                        Under advise we have upgraded to version 7, as this supports smtp authentication. The e-mail is now working and the download links appear in the online receipt. Unfortunatly the download links do not work, it just goes to a page not found error. Store is still down. Anychance you mgith be able to have a look at this - chris sent you our setting for ftp log in i believe.

                        the test url is

                        I have e-mailed chris the snapshot as i am having no luck uploading it here.



                          Hi Andy

                          I was talking to you earlier when you called in, I have now got your snapshot, and uploaded it to our support server, and I got the same problem.

                          Another thing to try, would it be possible for you to set up some test space on your server that I can upload a default Actinic site to? This would tell us if the problem is with the way your site is set up.



                            This problem has now been solved - chris at discovered where the fault was. Thanks for taking the time to look into it for me.



                              Where was your fault please?

                              I have exactly the same issue with download urls in checkout / receipt.

