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Upload failure – please help!

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    Upload failure – please help!

    I am a new Actinic user and about to remove what little of my hair is left. I’m sure the problem I am experiencing is easily corrected but I’m dammed if I can find a solution. I’ve trolled through the knowledge base etc but no avail! I am in the process of setting up a new site and so far loaded circa 500 products with another 3k-4k to go. I initially experienced problems with uploads (hanging) which seemed to be resolved by allowing passive transfer. After experimenting with the “allow frames” option and then when resetting the site to its original non-frames brochure format the site update failed, leaving “internal server error” messages on the site. Now the site will neither update nor refresh. On refresh, the site starts sending the .pl files gets to file and then returns the message “Connection with the server cannot be established”. Some of the files have been copied to the cgi folder but fails before all are sent. On a previously similar problematic occasion my ISP suggested deleting the content of the cgi folder prior to refresh and this worked fine. Now however the problem remains unresolved. The suggestion from the ISP is that its all down to the vagaries of Windows which probably thinks it is still connected.

    I would be really grateful if anyone could help on this.

    Many thanks


    Firstly who are you hosting with?

    is it a windows server or unix


      Originally posted by pinbrook
      Firstly who are you hosting with?

      is it a windows server or unix
      Thanks for your reply Jo.

      I am hosting with End Design... an Actinic partner and the server is Unix. Hope this helps.



        Hanging on Upload sometimes is a host problem, sometimes a firewall etc but not an actinic software problem.

        Internal Server error normally is something astray within catalog software, usually caused by the user. (inadvertandly )

        Ok this is what I would do......

        take a backup of your current site. (copy site1 folder somewhere else)

        assuming you don't have a copy of a clean install site1, I would reinstall catalog, then set up your network settings as given to you by your host. Check your cgi-bin has permission of 755. Do an upload, place orders, do a search check everything works. If this works, then the problem lies with your mods and not with your host.

        If your mods have caused the problem then you will have to undo your mods, or remove products etc until you get to the bottom of it.

        Enjoy your weekend!!


          Thanks Jo. I'll give it a go!




            Hi there

            Hanging on Upload sometimes is a host problem, sometimes a firewall
            If it is a firewall, then it would be better for you to set a rule to allow the firewall to accept the actinic program. Norton firewall allow you to set a rule, while XP firewall allow you do set up an exception.

            Kind Regards
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development

