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duplicate image

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    duplicate image

    Hello There,
    I am using catalog vers 7, and have just put a xmas themed site up untill i get a more professional template done. Question, i have a image down the left hand side of my site, when i scroll down any of the product pages, the image is duplicated. Please look at to see what i mean. I believe the left hand image has been set as a background, which is why i am getting the problem of it duplicating. How can i get around this.

    Many Thanks.

    you have used background images to display your santa - background tile.

    2 ways past this:

    a. your background images need to be much larger to that they don't tile on larger pages.
    b. you use CSS to prevent tiling of the image - although this will create another problem.


    Greg Hewitt-Long
    Web Design & Ecommerce - Affordable Web Hosting
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    NOD32 Antivirus - Reciprocal Links for Actinic Sites ONLY


      Personally I wouldn't use a background image for the bottom of santa.

      I would have a background image of your red/white stripe which tiles to fill the availble space.

      Insert the image of the base of santa as an image at the top of the nav (position = TOP)

      and then allow your navigation to start below santa.


        Originally posted by pinbrook
        Personally I wouldn't use a background image for the bottom of santa.
        Nor would I - however, I was suggesting paths of least resistance - so I should have said, "here are two quick and easy way, not the only ways to fix the problems with the page...".

        Neither of the ways I suggested is the method I would adopt - but I think both you and I know other ways to accomplish most things with Actinic - the basic templates are not necessarily designed to accomplish much apart from acting as a starting point.

        Web Design & Ecommerce - Affordable Web Hosting
        Free and low cost Merchant Accounts coming soon..
        NOD32 Antivirus - Reciprocal Links for Actinic Sites ONLY


          Many thanks for your advice, but the bottom half of the santa is integrated into the stripes. looks like i may have to alter the design slightly.

