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Duplicate Product - Custom VAT

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    Duplicate Product - Custom VAT

    Hi all

    I'm following to the letter the Actinic knowledge base article on creating duplicate products in Cat v.6.

    All works hunky dorey til you get to the last step - "Go into the slave product and switch to the "components" tab. Change the pricing model to "sum of component prices" and tick "No order line for main product".

    It will not accept this as the main product has custom VAT - as Actinic will not accept 3 decimal places, I have to force the VAT or end up with £2.98 or £3.00 for a £2.99 product - not acceptable when dealing with retail prices.

    Presumably there is no work around unless or until Actinic will accept 3 decimal places?

    What is one to do?!

    TIA - Helen

    Hi Helen

    Please check your permutation on the master product. Within the permutation, you could have ticked "Tax from Associated Product", this will bring in the Custom Tax.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

