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Shipping Charge

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    Shipping Charge

    Good Afternoon Everyone

    I have an unusual problem and I was wondering if some one might have a solution.

    My site only allows shipping in the UK & Europe which is how I set it up for the time being.

    I have had an enquiry from a young man in India who would like to send is Girl Friend a present she live in London.

    That ok I do not have a problem with that, the problem is that when he puts is name and address in for the invoice to be sent too and then picks another Delivery Address for the present to be sent to it is picking up the default shipping charge not the charge (£0.00) for his girl friends address in the UK.

    Could anybody help me to solve this problem I would be very grateful.


    Patrick Kirkland

    Hi Patrick

    If its just a one off situation, you could just advise the customer to select UK as his country, but keep the rest of the address as his Indian one.
    Its not prefect by any means, but will 'trick' the sysytem into billing the charge you want.



      Shipping Charge

      Hi Martin

      Thanks for that, Thought of doing it that way but with my luck I will start getting inundated with orders from all over the place ( I hope ) that wants shipping to the UK.

      I just thought they may be some other way.




        Hi there

        I'm afraid if you have limited the country, then you can only do what Martin has written. The only workaround i could think of, is to go to "View | Business Settings | Shipping and Handling"

        Place the dot for "If shipping band is not defined", use default charge and place in £0.00 for the charge.

        Once you have done this, do an offline order for the client, as you can now select India for the country. Once you have done his offline order, simply go back and undo the change in "Shipping and Handling".

        Please try that

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development

