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On upload

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    On upload

    When uploading my site, a doalog box appears saying that their are unused variable on the ACT_primary and ACT_primarycheckout pages, for the ACT_primary these are listed as footer, loadfuntion,onload and the ACT_Primarycheckout is much the same.

    Is this critical?

    This sort of message is normally shown if the stated NETQUOTEVARs are not present in the templates and is normally only reported if they should reside within the templates concerned.

    Have you customized your design?

    If so, would suggest that the onload is a required one if you are using (at the basic level) the Actinic images for navigation, as this pre-loads the mouse over images, but at a further level makes the bounce onto Online Credit Card Processors (OCCPs) bounce on automatically.

    Hope this helps.


      I seem to be having runtime errors on mouse-over links as well every time more or less. I was putting the runtime errors down to this as well, do you think thats possible.


        That's certainly the cause of these runtime errors. You seem to have removed some essential code from the <BODY...> tag in Act_primary.html Try looking at the original Act_Primary.html (in C:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Formats\Themes\whatever) and you may see what's needed.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Ive absolutely no idea what Im looking for in my source. The Act_Primary is missing the variable FOOTER, LOADFUNCTION, and the Act_PrimaryCheckout is missing the variable LOADFUNCTION, ONLOAD.
          I might add that the top level links appear as text and not button images.
          Im at a loss trying to figure out what should be copied over to my templates.


            Hi Rod,

            Im at a loss trying to figure out what should be copied over to my templates
            You would want to copy over the variable which are being reported by the following:
            The Act_Primary is missing the variable FOOTER, LOADFUNCTION, and the Act_PrimaryCheckout is missing the variable LOADFUNCTION, ONLOAD.
            So what Norman is saying is compare the original template with your one, and find these variables and place them in your template.

            By the way, what software did you use to customise the templates?

            Kind Regards
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development


              I used dreamweaver to build the new templates, ive got the missing variables down to just the Footer in the Act_primary.


                Hi there

                NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTER brings in the navigation along the top. So you might want to put it in, if you want the navigation. If you don't want it, you could simply again put it in, but comment it out

                <!-- NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTER -->
                So it does not bring up the warning box

                Kind Regards
                Nadeem Rasool
                SellerDeck Development


                  Originally posted by Nadeem
                  Hi there

                  NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTER brings in the navigation along the top. So you might want to put it in, if you want the navigation. If you don't want it, you could simply again put it in, but comment it out

                  <!-- NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTER -->
                  So it does not bring up the warning box

                  Kind Regards
                  so im putting that in the <head> tags?


                    Hi there

                    No, somewhere after the <body> tag.

                    Kind Regards
                    Nadeem Rasool
                    SellerDeck Development


                      Problem Fixed.

