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Getting "Out of Memory" error while loading products

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    Getting "Out of Memory" error while loading products

    Hey Everyone. I seem to be getting "Out of Memory" and "Cannot open any more tables" error messages while I am loading new, making duplicates or adding attributes to my site. I have to shut everything down and reboot my computer. Is this something I should be concerned with? I have over 700mb or RAM so I do not think that is the problem. Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated.

    I have seen this a few times troy. If my memory serves me the few cleints I had trouble with this had done lots of copy and past with sections and subsections. They had loads of page titles I.e. copy_of_copy_of_pagename.html. I think we cleaned up the page names (which is importeant for SEO) and we also compacted the database. Open Actinic | select housekeeping | compact database. You may also want to open the ActinicCatalog.mdb in Access 2000 and run the maintenance utilities. Then open actinic and refresh your website after making the changes and cleaning things up.

    Also try running the web configuration wizard just to confoirm your network settings.

    Also, if you have not done so I would suggest you download 7.02 from It has a lot of fixes in the latest release and we are enjoying good success with people we upgrade.

    Hope that helps. You got lots of snow this year, your a lucky dawg, hope you guys have a good season, say hello to Gordon for me.

    Brian Johnson
    :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
    1-732-528-7635 x203

