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help with product discounts in business edition

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    help with product discounts in business edition

    I have completed my website but want to check I can get product and group discounts working properly before publishing the site live.

    Basically I want to give a customer login to someone and offer different amounts of discount depending on the product.

    Some products have a bigger margin in them you see so I can offer a bigger discount.

    Can Actinic allow this or does it have to be one discount price per login ?

    The only way I can see to doing this would be to create this would be to create a "customer group" for each level of discount. So I would for instance have 1%, 2%, 3% and so on. I would then add all these "customer groups" to the customers account.

    I would then go into each product and add which ever customer group discount applied. When the customer logged in they would then see the discount.

    It seems a long way to achieve discounts

    Am I doing it corrrect ?


    anyone ?



      I haven't tried this, but couldn't you create one Customer Group for your login customer(s), then create a number of Product Groups - one for each of your different levels, but restrict them all by Customer Group?

      Tim Weaver
      Consultancy, Innovation & Solutions

