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Website Navigation PLUS Catalog Nav Buttons

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    Website Navigation PLUS Catalog Nav Buttons

    The site I'm working on is I'm presently using a frame for the navigational links back to my website, and a separate frame which contains my catalog.

    I find this a messy approach and do not like the fact that I lose the golden padlock in my payment stage because of it.

    I've seen a site at which does just what I want to achieve - a navigational bar for their main website at the top of the page (in the header?), then the navigational buttons (text in this case) for moving around the catalog. I just cannot work out how they've achieved this.

    I'm no professional at this and I'm in need of very basic, idiot proof help.

    Clair Tomalin


    Normans is using Actinic 6 which allows you to place the section names down the side of the page and have the navigational buttons at the top of the page.

    See for another example.

    If you are using version 6 you need only choose the appropriate template.

    Otherwise you will need to edit the HTML to manually include the right NETQUOTEVAR:VARIABLE or create the list yourself.

    Basically below the header you would have the following structure.


    -- Left Column --
    <td>Section List For Navigation - manual or NETQUOTEVAR</td>

    -- Center Column --
    <td>Main Product Info - auto generated</td>

    -- Right Column --
    <td>Something Else - adverts maybe</td>


    You should probably refer to the Advanced User Guide and see if that helps.

    Tim Brown


      Thanks for the response, and I apologise in advance for my ignorance .... but I still don't understand how you get your company banner at the top with active bits/hyperlinks to other things. My present site only has a static logo at the top, without any hyperlinks etc .... how do you create it so that there are active hyperlinks?

      That's what I want to replicate from the site - the fact that you can get to the rest of their website (non-actinic) whilst you're in the middle of the online shop. The top section of their page includes their website logo header and all the nav buttons to their website, then the next layer down are the nav buttons for the actinic part.

      Funnily enough, before posting here I tried to download the advanced user guides ..... unfortunately I kept getting a Page Not Found error message ..... hence my approach to the gurus!

      Your comments about the left hand buttons etc were helpful though .... I'm looking for a bit of a freshen up for my online shop and that does the job most effectively! .... as long as I can sort out this navigational issue for the rest of my non-actinic website!

      Any more ideas/suggestions?
      Clair Tomalin


        Ahh I understand what you mean now!

        Looks like they have just edited the template in Actinic (Act_Primary.html) to include some extra stuff - i.e. the logo and navigation.

        There is no easy way to do this without editing the HTML itself.

        Basically you would create the navigation bar in some sort of web page editor and then copy and paste it into the template.

        I believe that it would need to go immediately below the <body> tags so that it is the first thing on the page. However, it probably isn't as simple as just shoving it in with no editing of the rest of the page.

        If we can attract the attention of Chris Dicken he may be able to help further...
        Tim Brown


          Thanks for your response ... I think what you say makes complete sense ..... just a bit embarrassed that I didn't think of it myself. I'll have a go in a test environment, but if there are any suggestions as to 'danger zones' regarding doing such 'slap and pasting' , I'd be grateful to hear about them!

          No doubt I'll be back with cries of despair if it all goes pear-shaped!

          Thanks Nick for your help thus far.
          Clair Tomalin


            Just some further pointers - it sounds like you are doing fine.

            If you pick a 'clean layout' like Layout 14 then it will automatically put your site into three columns with the main Actinic builk in the middle.

            You can then open the overall layout template (Act_Primary.html) in something like Dreamweaver and you will be able to see the three columns in HTML.

            You can then add in your own content either side of the main bulk with cut and paste.


              Many thanks to you both ..... I'll let you know how things go!
              Clair Tomalin

