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problems with drop-down lists

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    problems with drop-down lists

    Hello fellow actinic users.

    I'm still using V4 on my live site and I'm looking at V7 to see wether I should upgrade or not. So far I've installed the demo and tested the Best Seller Theme.

    I've tried creating a Drop-Down List Containing the Top-Level Sections and Sub Sections but so far I've failed (I also failed creating a List Box Containing the Top-Level Sections). I cut the code from the PDF advanced guide and pasted it in Act_primary following the instruction of the guide without success (I got errors on my pages and the drop-down list did not appear).

    I succeded in creating Drop-Down List Containing the Top-Level Sections when I cut the relevant code from the act_primary of another theme and pasted it on the act_primary of the best seller theme.

    So my first question is : is the code from the advancedguide wrong or am I tired after a hard week of frantic work ?

    My second question is related to "Including an Actinic-Generated Drop-Down Anywhere on the Internet".
    After pasting the code "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"
    in the headers of an html page (above other scripts) and after replacing "your.URL" by the correct url of my site what code do I need to add to create the drop-down ?
    I tried pasting the code at the top of page 36 (without the "<!--@act NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONS_RAW -->") in the header and pasting the code for the form in the body of my page but I only got a blank page with a script error.

    Can someone help a tired and maybe dumb (from time to time) fellow ?

    Many thanks.
    User of Actinic since V3 and living on the French riviera

    Hi there

    So my first question is : is the code from the advancedguide wrong or am I tired after a hard week of frantic work ?
    I've used a couple of codes in the advance userguide for our training, so no they are not wrong

    My second question is related to "Including an Actinic-Generated Drop-Down Anywhere on the Internet".
    Please could you provide us with your url to where you have uploaded the test site. We would need to check your coding.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Hello Nadeem,

      Sorry for being late in answering (I had some troubles with occ payment that were more critical and I had to fix them first).

      You can see the pages at
      I tried to replace the "Yahoo-style section lists" on the left side(under the "Departments" button) by a "Drop-Down List Containing the Top-Level
      Sections and Sub Sections" but I can't get anything.

      Many thanks for your help.
      User of Actinic since V3 and living on the French riviera


        Hi there

        Have you copy the code and pasted it within your primary template? The reason why i am saying this, is because when viewing source of the code, i don't see the code for the drop down list box.

        I got the code for yahoo section list, which is

        <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript">
        function YahooSections(ar)
        var strIDs = '';
        for (var i=1;i<=ar.length;i++)
        if (ar[i].sURL != null)
        strIDs += '<a href="' + ar[i].sURL + '"><span class="actxxsmall"><b><font color="#000000">' + ar[i].sName + '</font></b></span></a><br>';
        if (ar[i].pChild)
        for (var j=1;j<=ar[i].pChild.length;j++)
        if (ar[i].pChild[j].sURL != null)
        strIDs += '<a href="' + ar[i].pChild[j].sURL + '"><span class="actxxsmall"><font color="#000000">' + ar[i].pChild[j].sName + '</font></span></a><br>';
        strIDs += '<br>'
        return strIDs
        and where it appears in on the website using document.write command

        <script language=Javascript1.2>
        But thats about it. There is no other code.

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          Heloo Nadeem,

          I'm making some tests this morning and, as It did not worked I've reinstalled the basic primary.html template, so the code is not always on the page.

          However it seems someone has the same problem :

          Many thanks.

          User of Actinic since V3 and living on the French riviera


            Hi there

            Please find attached to this thread my act_primary.html which works with a dropdown list box. If you open the template and search for Nadeem, you will see what i have done. Basically i have removed all references to the yahoo section list and in its place, copy and pasted the javascript dropdown section list from the word documentation. Works fine.

            Kind Regards
            Attached Files
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development


              Thanks Nadeem
              User of Actinic since V3 and living on the French riviera


                Originally posted by Nadeem
                Hi there

                Please find attached to this thread my act_primary.html which works with a dropdown list box. If you open the template and search for Nadeem, you will see what i have done. Basically i have removed all references to the yahoo section list and in its place, copy and pasted the javascript dropdown section list from the word documentation. Works fine.

                Kind Regards

                Could you possibly reattach your file unzipped, as my Winzip app reports a problem when unzipping the file?

                Many thanks

                Kind Regards

                Charmed Cards & Crafts


                  I've given you a tip in

                  Hope you find it useful.


                    Hi Chris,

                    Thanks for your reply. I just tried using the code you suggested, but was met with the same script error, i.e. that the argument "sections" was undefined. Any idea what I am doing wrong?

                    Many thanks in advance.

                    Kind regards
                    Kind Regards

                    Charmed Cards & Crafts



                      Try copying the code from a word version of the advanced user guide. I had this problem ages ago using the pdf, the code is correct but pdf does something funny to the line ends.


                        Hi Jo

                        I did try this but to no avail - same annoying script error.

                        Kind regards
                        Kind Regards

                        Charmed Cards & Crafts


                          Could you let us see a URL where this is happening please?


                            Sorry Chris, but I have yet to upload my site, indeed I have yet to find a hosting company.

                            With £20,000 worth of products waiting patiently to be sold, I am eager to go live. I just seem to encounter obstacles with everything I do to make the site as I want it. I am literally tearing my hair out and have only a few wisps left! I have spent weeks trying to "get to know how Actinic works". I admit I flit from one thing to another (try something for hours, fail, then go on to fail in doing something else), but my God, patience is certainly a virtue here - unfortunately I cannot afford to spend so much time on tweaking and fiddling with the application.

                            Kind regards
                            Kind Regards

                            Charmed Cards & Crafts


                              Can you maybe zip up your Act_Primary template and attach it here. I'll be happy to take a look at it for you.

