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Aaaagh! Shopping cart is empty!

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    Aaaagh! Shopping cart is empty!

    Hi, please can you help me?
    I am about to go live this week, but when I "add to cart" I can see the value on the left as normal. But when I view cart or go to checkout, the shopping cart is empty?!!

    My server host recently upgraded my servers SSL certificate version and I think this may have caused it. I have run a test in the advanced set up and I get the following error messge;

    "Your Catalog URL appears to be invalid. The files uploaded to the given 'Path from cgi-bin to acatalog directory', can not be downloaded via the browser on the given Catalog URL. These two access routes don't point to the same destination on the server."

    Catalog Url;


    Path from CGI-BIN to acatalog Directory;

    Any advice on how to fix this, would be greatly appreciated!



    Who is your host??

    Can you export full network settings without username & password
    Owner of a broken heart


      1 & 1 Internet

      Is this ok?...

      SCRIPTEXT .pl
      PATHTOPERL /usr/bin/perl
      SSLPATHTOCGIBIN /cgi-bin/
      CODEBASE ./
      PATHTOCGIBIN /cgi-bin/

      Thank you.


        try 1 & 1 support??

        We've all heard other 1 & 1 clients with similar gripes, they must be getting a handle on it enough to provide support for Actinic clients by now... if not, move to a host that DOES support Actinic! [HINT] - there are a lot here in the community!
        Web Design & Ecommerce - Affordable Web Hosting
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        NOD32 Antivirus - Reciprocal Links for Actinic Sites ONLY


          when I try to look at your store, I get a login/password box appear...

          on the SSL certificate - again, get a host where you can have your OWN SSL certificate - this whole shared SSL certificate is bogus, both for shoppers and for merchants.

          You can have your own SSL certificate for less than $50 a year with ease - both FreeSSL and InstantSSL (both .com) offer affordable and reliable certificates - then the certificate shows you are the certificate owner.

          I'd highly recommend to anyone that they NOT purchase from a company that uses a shared SSL certificate - at least with your own SSL cert someone had to check that you existed - any thief can purchase hosting on a shared SSL account - all they need is a stolen credit card number that's good!!
          Web Design & Ecommerce - Affordable Web Hosting
          Free and low cost Merchant Accounts coming soon..
          NOD32 Antivirus - Reciprocal Links for Actinic Sites ONLY


            Thanks for the advice, I might well take you up on the hosting hint! :-)

            1 & 1 say it's not a server problem, so they don't want to know now...great. Not sure what to do now to fix it. The SSL certificate I have on my site, is a dedicated SSL.


              your .htaccess protection of the site might be messing with Actinic - try turning it off and seeing if that causes the problem to go away.
              Web Design & Ecommerce - Affordable Web Hosting
              Free and low cost Merchant Accounts coming soon..
              NOD32 Antivirus - Reciprocal Links for Actinic Sites ONLY


                Tried it, doesn't make any difference :-( It's been fine with the access restricted for a couple of months now. Just seems to be since 1&1 upgraded the SSL certificate as Worldpay didn't work with the version I was on.


                  Hi Guy,

                  Has one 1&1 changed your ssl to a new server. Because changing a certificate should not bring up this error. If they have changed you to a new ssl server, then they will need to set up a symbolic link between the secure /acatalog/ folder to the insecure /acatalog/ folder.

                  Perhaps this is where you issue is stemming from?

                  Kind Regards
                  Nadeem Rasool
                  SellerDeck Development


                    Thanks Nadeem

                    I have spoken to 1&1 and this is the response I received;

                    "Below is the source that I am getting when I get to "" where I view the price for the product. As you will be able to see from the source this is re-directing me back to Home page."

                    <html><head><TITLE> IT Shop Online Ltd Shopping Cart Status</TITLE>
                    <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="5; URL=">
                    <BASE HREF=""><META NAME="ACTINICTITLE" CONTENT="Shopping Cart Status"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META NAME="ActinicKey" CONTENT="42cd75d4415d81a8e00c8bf50b40fdf50">
                    <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="accxecom7">
                    <LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="actinic.css"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actiniccore.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actinicextras.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="Act_section_tree.js" TYPE="text/javascript"><!--
                    // -->
                    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript">
                    function YahooSections(ar)
                    var strIDs = '';
                    for (var i=1;i<=ar.length;i++)
                    if (ar[i].sURL != null)
                    strIDs += '<a href="' + ar[i].sURL + '"><span class="actxxsmall"><b><font color="#000000">' + ar[i].sName + '</font></b></span></a><br>';
                    if (ar[i].pChild)
                    for (var j=1;j<=ar[i].pChild.length;j++)
                    if (ar[i].pChild[j].sURL != null)
                    strIDs += '<a href="' + ar[i].pChild[j].sURL + '"><span class="actxxsmall"><font color="#000000">' + ar[i].pChild[j].sName + '</font></span></a><br>';
                    strIDs += '<br>'
                    return strIDs
                    </SCRIPT></head><BODY TEXT="#000000" leftmargin="1" topmargin="1" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" OnLoad="PreloadImages('home2.gif','back2.gif','sitemap2.gif','info2.gif','search2.gif','cart2.gif','order2.gif','mail2.gif','login2.gif')" BACKGROUND="background1.gif" BGCOLOR="#ffffff" LINK="#009999" VLINK="#999999" ALINK="#009999"><table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="thinborder"><tr><td><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td><img src="gradient1.gif"></td><td align="right"><img src="gradient2.gif"></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr> <td valign="top"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr> <td><IMG SRC="companylogo5t1.gif" ALT="IT Shop Online Ltd" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=52 WIDTH=750 > </td></tr></table></td></tr><tr> <td background="top_bar.gif"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="168" height="26"><A HREF="" TARGET="_self" onMouseOver="SwapImage('hnavb_sitemap','sitemap2.gif')" onMouseOut="RestoreImage()"><IMG SRC="sitemap1.gif" ALT="Site Map" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=26 WIDTH=168 name=hnavb_sitemap></A><br></td><td width="167"><A HREF="" TARGET="_self" onMouseOver="SwapImage('hnavb_mail','mail2.gif')" onMouseOut="RestoreImage()"><IMG SRC="mail1.gif" ALT="Contact Us" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=26 WIDTH=167 name=hnavb_mail></A><br></td><td width="168"><A HREF="" TARGET="_self" onMouseOver="SwapImage('hnavb_info','info2.gif')" onMouseOut="RestoreImage()"><IMG SRC="info1.gif" ALT="Terms & Conds" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=26 WIDTH=168 name=hnavb_info></A><br></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></table> </td></tr><tr> <td>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr> <td> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="11"><img src="shim.gif" width="11"></td><td width="170" valign="top"><table width="170" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="thinborder"><tr> <td height="25" background="cart_bg.gif"><font color="#ffffff"><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <script language="JavaScript">
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                    document.write("Value&#58;&nbsp;" + getCartItem(1));
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                    Means nothing to me I hope it means something to you :-)




                      Hi Guy

                      Just a bit puzzled why they have given the source of the bounce page
                      Thats all the page shows. When you spoke to them did they change the servers for the SSL?

                      Kind Regards
                      Nadeem Rasool
                      SellerDeck Development


                        He couldn't tell me.

                        He said that he couldn't get any further and that when he added product, it was bouncing him to the home page. Which I didn't understand as I haven't experienced that problem.

                        Any suggestions please? 1&1 aren't proving very helpful and may be losing some business as a result. I certainly can not afford this kind of down time when the site goes live.

                        Thank you.


                          Hi Guy

                          Turn off your .htaccess protection, so we can have a look into your site please?

                          Kind Regards
                          Nadeem Rasool
                          SellerDeck Development


                            Hi Guy

                            Just seen your email request, and got into your site. Okay the session file is not being created. Have you got permission set on your /acatalog/ to 777?

                            If so, have you got enough webspace? The catalog cannot write to a cart file onto your website.

                            Please check this

                            Kind Regards
                            Nadeem Rasool
                            SellerDeck Development


                              Thanks for your time Nadeem, really appreciate your help. The site is now open for you to view (make take a couple of mins to take effect).


