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Error Message Display Formatting

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    Error Message Display Formatting

    I am developing a website using Actinic 7 Business using a design that is quite restricted in the amount of space made available to display the Primary BULK.

    Having formatted all my main templates accordingly, the only unresolved problem is with the error messages. When going through the checkout - a number of warning / error messages appear in a table stating that certain required fields have not been filled it.

    My question is, does anyone know where I can modified the size of the table border? so it no longer breaks my design?

    Also, were I can change / reduced the size of the error messages placed in the ProductLine template when an error such "NOT IN STOCK" or "EXCESS QTY IS USED" is displayed?

    Many thanks
    - GARRY

    Hi Garry

    The table for the error messages comes from "Design | Text". Click on the "Go To" button and type in:

    Phase -1
    ID: 2178

    This will give you

    <TABLE CELLPADDING="10" WIDTH="550" BORDER="1" BGCOLOR="%s"><tr><td>%s
    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

