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Site Snapshot - File Export Error

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    Site Snapshot - File Export Error


    Although 'benign' in nature, how can files which are either missing (presumably deleted or having had their names / paths modified at some point) be tracked down and removed?

    I am concerned that, although 'benign', too many of these 'missing' files may cause problems later. For instance: perhaps a no longer used image file (which was once coded somewhere into Actinic but is now no longer present), may be inadvertently recreated with the same filename at a later date ... to be employed elsewhere within Actinic. Unfortunately, it will then be dragged online at the next Site Refresh / Update and could cause consternation amongst customers.

    Currently, we have one such outstanding housekeeping issue when performing a Site Snapshot:

    (File ExportFiles.cpp, Line 563) - The file C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Jardin d'Eden Site\Auguste Reymond\AR Product Images (Large)\Auguste_Reymond_Standard_M-49B547-54.jpg was not found System error 3 - The system cannot find the path specified.

    The entry "Line 563" obviously gives away some information on where to find this missing JPG image ... but how does one go about interpreting this?

    Any and all help appreciated.

    <B>Steve Crane</B>

    Hi there

    The line number is referring to the c++ code within the catalog.exe file. It does not help us. With regards to your issue, there is a product,section or extended information within the catalog that is referring to a non existant image.

    The only suggestion i could give, would be to export your catalog as a .csv file, and then search for the image name in excel. Once you have found it, it should point you to the section or product.

    Also check in "Advance | Additional File", if the file is in here.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development



      Thanks for that.

      Perhaps the "Actinic Wish List" could be added to with the concept of a utility for assisting in the identification of 'lost', non-existant or mis-named files/filenames?


      <B>Steve Crane</B>

