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Message when uploading

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    Message when uploading

    The following message appears when I upload to my website, it seems to indicate that somewhere in my site I have used an outside file for my P P Statement, but I cannot find any reference to it at all, I am using the standard actinic P P Statement.

    I have looked through all options setting etc and can see nowhere where I could have inadvertently sometime invoked such a link.

    I do have the htm file in question elsewhere on my PC but I am keen to find out what is causing actinic to think it is associated with my site.

    Any idea's


    The following file names contain spaces.
    You will not be able to use these files with some browsers.

    Please confirm if you want to continue with upload.

    Privacy Policy Statement.htm

    Hi there

    If you go to "Advance | Additional File", is it listed here?

    Also have you done a href link to "Privacy Policy Statement.htm" within any actinic template, because that will bring up this error.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

