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Integreation issues with SAGE V10

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    Integreation issues with SAGE V10

    I've been trying to link SAGE Line 50 v 10 to Business V6 (

    I have installed the SADE Database objects and now have an Actinic button on SAGE but I cannot create the profile in Actinic. It tell me that the Version of Actinic I'm running may not be compatible ?

    I'm evaluating a trial version of Link to Sage Line 50...running on XP pro.

    I've not seen any similar posts on this profile generation problem. any 30 days are fast running out !

    Anthony Kudzin

    Copy of Screen

    ...back home now, with the system. Attached is the error message when creating a profile. Cannot find a reference to it in the manuals and can see where the problem is. SAGE say its working fine.....over to you !
    Attached Files

    Anthony Kudzin


      Hi there

      Could you please let me know which version of Actinic you are using (in 'Help | About') and whether it is licensed or not. Also, is it Business or Developer you are using.

      Also, could you let me know what version of Link you are using. You will find this information in 'version.ini' within the Actinic Link installation directory.


        Re Link Details


        All info reqd. is in the attachment. I use SAGE with SAGE CRM (ACT!) as well but have no problems with the link / functionality. Don't know if this impacts the Actinic Link ?

        I want to link Actinic to SAGE to ACT !

        I'm also using an evaluation key for the Actinic Link and McAffee firewall / virus protection (does Actinic Link need a specific secure port or something ?)
        Attached Files

        Anthony Kudzin



          Turns out there is a problem in the version of Link you are using whereby it does not recognise v6 sites.

          You just need to download the previous version (which is identical other than the fact that it is not compatible with v7). I have put it online for your to download at


            ...more woe

            OK, tried the new (old) d/load. Though this would work in 2 mins....

            Still no joy exactly the same message but with the older version. I have opened the SAGE Database Objects and I have the Actinic logo in SAGE, so all appears OK that side. I try to make the first connection and still can't get past the Profile key......could there be some sort of registry issue now that I have previously tried to install a latter version....

            How about a free upgrade to V7 to ease my pain ?
            Attached Files

            Anthony Kudzin


              How about a free upgrade to V7 to ease my pain ?
              Nice try

              That really should have worked - it's worked fine for me in the past. Could you please confirm you completely uninstalled the old one before installing the new one. Also, you are definitely trying to install Link on the same machine as Actinic aren't you?


                Re: SAGE Link and Email !


                Yes I ran the uninstall, then rebooted the ran the install. It all installed fine, updated and rebooted to be sure. I had the Actinic Link button already installed in SAGE from the previous install. Perhaps this was not properly removed ?

                Anyway...I'm no further down the road. I'm manually entering orders in two systems effectively now and I've switched off Stock Management.

                On top of that my ISP site does not accept unauthenticated Email on their mail servers, the fix from Norman's mailer workaround does not work and so now I an also copying Email into outlook express to send them out !

                I' aint getting very far for good money spent !

                The Actinic sales man tells me Actinic Link is £350...effectively an upgrade to V7 !

                I thing you should relent after the money and time I've spent and deliver a fully working solution ?

                I don't have time to play with live sites and cut and paste lines of code....that's the precise reason I went for the PRoduct in the first place....

                Anthony Kudzin


                  When did you buy your version of actinic?

                  See this:

                  Anyone who purchased an Actinic v6 product after 14th April 2004 will be entitled to a free upgrade to v7 on request

                  First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                    re purchase

                    I purchased my copy from somebody who bought a developer kit/ license in July 2004. I don't know how long he owned it. I expect I won't qualifiy for the upgrade

                    Anthony Kudzin



                      Could you please confirm for me that you are installing Actinic Link on the same PC as you have Actinic Business installed.


                        Re SAGE Link

                        Everything's on the one machine running XP pro. There are no instabilities conflicts with any other applications. I have an external Firewall on the machine (McAffee) but ports 80 and 443 are open. Does the link try to connect via a Port ?

                        As already stated the software installed fine and I have the Actinic link button on SAGE which opens the 30 Day License / Serial Key box on Actinic Link. When I click for 'evaluation' and continue it errors when trying to create the profile. The effor message says it's the wrong version of E-Commerce.....which could still be a part of the V7 / V6 problem ...or the Registry keys could be corrupt now ?

                        Did anybody else d/load and install the V7 release against V6 ??

                        Anthony Kudzin


                          I purchased my copy from somebody who bought a developer kit/ license in July 2004.
                          Hmm. I didn't think developer gave resell rights to business etc. Any comments Chris?


                          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                            Re: Link to SAGE Link

                            Yes, I appreciate your concerns over bootlegging but I have an Original Actinic CD and valid Activation Code bought in Auction from somebody who said they have now become a Developer. I suppose they bought a Developer License ? I'm sure the security of your registration process stops multiple licence numbers being shared ? or Perhaps you have to close some loops on upgrades ? You know my License number, so you must know them....

                            Anyway, this still does not solve my problem. I've now downloaded a trial version of V7 this evening and got SAGELink working just to evaulate it before my 30 days expires. As your Sales team wanted the cost of an upgrade to V7 (£350) for the price of SAGE Link, I may as well look at V7 as I would get it for 'free' and it would solve my 'mail authentication' problems as well. i.e. no point in looking at SAGELink for V6 !

                            I'm not particularly happy about having to spend so much if I need it, especially when I also hear about 'significant changes' coming in V8 in douby another hefty upgrade fee ?

                            Perhaps you would like to comment about that.....

                            Anthony Kudzin


                              Well if you want to use software you have to pay for it!! If newer versions have more features then someone has to pay for the development - this is usually the purchaser.

                              There may be significant changes on the way in V8, but that doesn't mean that V7 will cease to work. With any piece of software you have the choice of upgrading if you want the extra features.

                              I adopt the philosophy if you can't afford to buy/update software to run an online store then you need to look at your business plan.

