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Tax settings

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    Tax settings

    If the ship to customer is located in Texas, sales tax should be charged. All other customers are non-taxable. The tax code on the individual line items is transferring to Quickbooks correctly, but the tax/non tax code on the customer is not. I have tried each combination one by one in the Actinic to QB profile, and nothing works. I can either have all my customers end up with "tax" in the customer level tax field, or "non". Is there a way to get this field set correctly based on ship-to location?


    QB Link 1.3 with Quickbooks 2005 Premier?

    Will this work? I can't get the newest QB link to install. I get an error telling me to use some file in my temporary directory. But that file isn't there. I've cleaned the registry as suggested, but I still get the error. It's a pain to give it a try, then go back to 1.3 and setup all the tax stuff again. I'd like to go ahead and get QB Premier 2005, but I'd like to know if my existing QB link will work. Does anyone know?



      Hi there

      I get an error telling me to use some file in my temporary directory
      Please could you provide us with the full error message please?

      Kind Regards
      Nadeem Rasool
      SellerDeck Development


        I get a message that says:

        Please run

        By the way, the directory WZSE0.TMP does not exist. I deleted it a week or so ago thinking that maybe if I deleted it, the install would create what it needed and continue installing. But it didn't.

        I got to this point by the following:
        1. downloaded QBLINKLU-EJJA.exe
        2. double-clicked on that file once downloaded.
        3. When asked if I wanted to run it, I clicked run
        4. When told to click setup, I clicked setup
        5. Then I got the above error message.

        Before doing that, I unstalled QBLink 1.2, deleted its directory under the Actinic directory. Brian sent me the following registry changes to delete. Where they existed, I deleted them:

        [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Actinic Link for QuickBooks]


        [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\ActLinkForQBooks]


        Hope this helps. In the meantime, can I run QBLink 1.2 with QB 2005? I need to go ahead and upgade Quickbooks.



          the meantime, can I run QBLink 1.2 with QB 2005? I need to go ahead and upgade Quickbooks.
          The simple answer is 'I don't know'. We have not received our development copies of QuickBooks US yet so we have not been able test this.

          There were no problems going from 2002 to 2003 to 2004 so hopefully, this pattern will hold for you. I would suggest, however, that if there are no features you absolutely require in QB 2005 that you hold off until we have tested it.
          The tax code on the individual line items is transferring to Quickbooks correctly, but the tax/non tax code on the customer is not.
          In the help there is a screenshot of what the customer tax code grid should look like. I have attached the image to this post. Hope it helps.
          Attached Files


            With these tax settings, the tax on the individual order is applied correctly, but the customer's tax code is set to "tax". So I end up with a customer stored as taxable, but an order as non-taxable. Which shows up as an error when I'm viewing my sales tax liabilities.



              Hmmmm. Could you possibly attach a screenshot of that tab just for me to check your other settings?

              Also, have you talked with Brian Johnson at Sure Solutions about this ( He is our US distributor and a real expert on QuickBooks.


                No, I don't believe I have brought this one up to Brian. I can do that, though.

                I think I've attached a screen shot.
                Attached Files



                  Well I can confirm that your settings in Actinic are correct. They look as they should be. Hmmm. I'm wondering if there is something in your Actinic store. Are you using 'Simple' tax calculation or 'Advanced'? Same with Shipping - are you using 'Simple' or 'Advanced'?


                    Tax calculation and shipping are both "advanced".



                      OK - your settings look like they are fine.

                      I suggest you contact Brian at Sure Solutions ( and see if he is able to help any more.

