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Hi there please please help !!

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    Hi there please please help !!

    hi there right weve had TOO many probs with our 2 pc's in our shop and its come to that the pc im on has been reformatted and windows xp has been installed on it fresh, ive just put the catalogue v6 on the machine, the OTHER pc that had the catalogue on there has windows 98 on it and cannot get the networks to see the pc's ... and i cant get a backup to work ...

    SO ......

    ive had to take the hard drive out of the old pc and add it as a 2nd hard drive to this pc - ive had to copy the whole actinic catalogue folder OUT of my old program files on the 2nd hard disc and done it that way ....

    so now i have the up to date catalogue working in the sence that i can see all the items we have in stock etc so that worked BUT when i upload the site to update it i get so far and it says the operation has times out and cant connect with a certain IP address ?

    and to top it off the actualy DOWNLOAD button to download the orders is in GREY and i cant download anything what so ever ??

    please help im proper stuck here

    thanks for your time !

    Hi there

    and to top it off the actualy DOWNLOAD button to download the orders is in GREY and i cant download anything what so ever ??
    The reason for this, is that Actinic wants you to upload first, before you can download orders.

    If you have moved the actinic program from one drive to another, it could be better for you to go to "Web | Refresh Website", rather than update the site. Please try this.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      You may find you need to enter the security info from the old installation across. Otherwise you probably won't be able to open any orders waiting to be downloaded.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        The info in Housekeeping / Security needs copied to a textfile and moved to the new installation where you copy and paste it back in.

        That info is in the Registry (nowhere on Site1) so you may need to reinstall that drive and boot Windows, then run Actinic to get at the info.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          I have got around this problem by importing the actinic registry key. It is a good idea to have a copy of this key as a backup. I guess you can't do this as you cannot get to the originally registry entry.
          In addition to the actinic entry there is an ODBC one, the location of which escapes me for the moment, which you would also need.

          Andrew Fish
          For all your battery requirements at prices less than in the high street.
          "Batteries without the overcharging"

