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Crossed linked pages?

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    Crossed linked pages?

    I currently have 2 sites on our web site:


    This deals with all our club regalia, books etc.


    This deals with new membership and renewals.

    The two sites have been working quite well for the few months we have used Actinic (apart from user error ).

    Last month I noticed some strange entries in our web access logs for both these sites. Here are two examples of 'pages not found':



    Neither of these URLs are correct. The correct ones are:



    Within 24 hours into the new month these are coming up again in the 'pages not found' in the web access logs. All the pl scripts have been assigned different CGI script ID numbers.

    Even stranger, one 'page not forund' - /join/acatalog/Cargo_Area_Mats.html - was called from /shop/cgi-bin/ The file Cargo_Area_Mats.html is in /shop/acatalog/

    Can anyone throw any light on what is happening here.

    Last edited by Bob Isaac; 07-Dec-2004, 05:55 PM. Reason: Spelling mistake
    Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
    Bob Isaac
    Director/Web Admin
    Volvo Owners Club Ltd

    Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2


    This issue is very strange. The only way that this can happen is if there is a link to the wrong folder. Do you have any links from other sites to these pages that may have been coded in wrongly?

    I've taken a look around your site but it all looks ok. Have any of your customers called in to say that they are having problems accessing pages on your site?

    The fact that you have two cgi-bins (one for each sites) means that having different cgi-script ids should not make a difference. This is only for multiple sites accessing the same cgi-bin.


      A few have said they get 'page cannot be displayed' which suggests there is a problem somewhere. Looking at the web access logs today there are numerous instances of this happening with different pages in each shop site.

      After I upgraded 7.0.1 > 7.0.2 I did a complete purge and refresh of both sites.

      Here is another strange entry in the access log for pages not found:


      called from


      32 such cases this month so far but with variations of "ss000002f32c"
      Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
      Bob Isaac
      Director/Web Admin
      Volvo Owners Club Ltd

      Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2


        Hi Bob

        This is a strange issue and would need to be investigate. I would recommend in you opening an email ticket on:

        The development team would need your snapshot as well as ftp details, so they can check your site.

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          Thanks I will do that. Just for 'the log' one customer today got 'cannot find server' error page whilst going through the purchase process. I don't know what stage he got to as he has not returned my email yet.
          Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
          Bob Isaac
          Director/Web Admin
          Volvo Owners Club Ltd

          Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2

