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Missing Payment Options

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    Missing Payment Options


    Earlier today I added a "Credit card details captured for later processing" option to Actinic's payment options and uploaded the changes. However, despite multiple "Updates" and complete "Refreshes" (as well as the deletion of the contents of the CGI-BIN, at the bequest of my hosting provider), we've still no credit card options on our website in the drop-dow payments field.

    Any ideas where to look to sort this out?

    I've noticed this ... but I'm not entirely certain it's valid to a 7.0.2 user:

    Cheers ...

    <B>Steve Crane</B>

    Hi Steve,

    I don't think that that kb article is relevant but could you check something please. Close Actinic and, if you have MS Access 2000, please open ActinicCatalog.mdb file (found in your site folder) and then go into the 'PaymentMethods' table. Look for an 'nID' of 10005 and see if the 'bEnabled' box is ticked for that method. If not, then please tick it. Close the database and then refresh your site.



      Thank you for replying.

      Did you mean nID of 10005 (Credit Card Details Sent Separately) or 10006 (Credit Card (Mail Order)) which is the payment method I'm trying to employ?

      As I'm trying to get (less important) methods 'enabled' also, may I ask what the bEnabled field actually controls ... and, whilst I'm at it, what bCustomerUseOnly does? I'm asking as some of the payment methods show a value of "-1" in this field which does not seem to resemble or correspond to any configuration 'pattern' I have set up for these methods.

      Cheers ...

      <B>Steve Crane</B>


        Hi Steve,

        10005 should be Credit Card in the db (Credit Card Details Captured for later processing) in the software

        10004 is Credit Card Details Sent Separately. It sounds like your PaymentMethod table is a bit corrupted. Can you open the ActinicCatalog.mdb file from the 'Original' folder and copy the PaymentMethods table from that database into your current database (of course, take a backup first).

        bEnabled means that that payment method is being used and bCustomerUseOnly means that this method is only for registered customers (ie the 'Limited to Defined Customer' box is ticked).

