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Section List Drop-Down

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    Section List Drop-Down


    It seems I'm having problems with drop-downs today!

    If you check here:

    or anywhere within our on-line shop (i.e. not the brochure pages!), you will notice that the drop down list for the top-level sections is to the far right of the screen, off to the right of what should be a near-standard implementation of the "Curves" Template. Not only is this untidy ... but customer just won't see it!

    The code for the drop-down menu is (I believe) contained in Act_Primary.html - see below:

    <form name="Act_SectionDroplist">
    <td background="bg_top.gif" height="60" width="50%" valign="middle" align="center">
    <script language=Javascript1.1>
    // -->

    which I/we have NOT modified; however, no matter where I cut'n'paste this code within the tables which make up the on-line shop pages, I cannot re-site the offending drop-down menu correctly. Usually it messes up the formatting of this screen's 'header info' and/or does not re-display the drop-down box at all.

    I know I'm no guru - far from it - but I'm at a complete loss.

    What I wanted to do, once I realised we had developed a problem, was incorporate this offending drop-down menu into the row which houses this: NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTERGUIDE, by removing the colspan command (see below):

    <tr valign="middle" align="center" background="pxl_black.gif">
    <td height="30" colspan="2" background="pxl_black.gif">NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTERGUIDE

    and using one of the newly created columns in this row by subsequently placing it in the left-hand column, leaving it to reside 'tidily' directly above the "View Basket", "Checkout Now", "Search Shop", et al, images-based links.

    Any help / advice gratefully appreciated.

    <B>Steve Crane</B>

    Hello Steve,

    The top of the page is made of a table with four rows. In the first row you put your logo image "JdE_Name_Logo_200704_v3.3b.gif" in one column. In the second row you've got two columns (the first with the links "Home page", "Site map" ... ; and the second with the drop box). In the third and fourth rows you've got other images in one column.
    You put the "colspan="2" code in the <td> tag of the third and fourth row but you did not put it in the <td> tag of the first row (the one with your logo image) hence your problem.
    All you have to do is put the "colspan="2"" code in the <td> tage of the first raw and it should be fine.

    Best regards,

    User of Actinic since V3 and living on the French riviera

