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Exporting Orders

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    Exporting Orders


    We have enabled the Reports | Outstanding Exports to allow orders to be exported, however my question is how do you then go about importing them on the other machine.

    We cannot use Snapshot as the reason we want to export is we have slightly redesigned our shop and used a new Theme and Style, so this would be overwritten using snapshot, and we just want to pullover the orders off the old system onto the new system.


    Hi there

    We cannot use Snapshot as the reason we want to export is we have slightly redesigned our shop and used a new Theme and Style, so this would be overwritten using snapshot, and we just want to pullover the orders off the old system onto the new system
    This is true, but you could before importing a snapshot, go to your site1 folder, copy and paste all Actinic template (*.html) into a new folder, import the snapshot, then copy and paste the saved templates back into your site1 folder.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Excellent I'll give that a go....

