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Upload error: Index contains too many values for current node

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    Upload error: Index contains too many values for current node


    I have been sucessfully updating a site on a daily basis (for less than a week) by importing .csv file containing about 20,000 products, but now when I do it the response is:

    "The index contains too many values for the current node. Value count = 99346. Maximum count = 65535. Node = '!@00000000'.

    Any idea what this means?

    Money Saving Eco Friendly Products | UK Dating | Love Horse Dating

    Hi there.

    Haven't seen this one before, but it is worth compacting your databases within Actinic to see if there is a problem there. To do this, go to 'Housekeeping | Security | Compact Databases'. I would suggest creating a snapshot of your site before running the compact.

    Hope this helps



      Unexpected Error

      Following on from the above, I have done as Darren suggested. Now I have a new problem. The import begins and it process 51 lines then says "An unexpected error has occurred. Check your settings." There are no import errors to check so I haven't a clue what else to do.

      The .csv file I am importing is just an updated version of the one I imported before. I am sent an Actinic ready text file daily which I then parse with Norman Rouxel's Tab Converter program. I have done this before on previous files and then imported without a problem apart from the one that starts this thread. Having compacted the database the problem has changed to something else.

      Any ideas? I really don't know where to go with this as there is no helpful hints in the message.
      Money Saving Eco Friendly Products | UK Dating | Love Horse Dating


        Hi Ben,

        Have you checked what line 51 is, check to see if there is any illegal characters here.

        If the import file is okay, then you would need to register an email request with support:

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          I doubt that line 51 is in error. I think Actinic buffer input lines in batches of 50 and then processes them. So 51 sounds more like a problem in Catalog.exe or the database.

          It would be very easy to test this. Just delete 25 (say) lines from the beginning of your import file (leave the 1st line as this contains the fieldnames) and see if the error is still on 51.

          FYI. What I did was to write a Delphi program that converts the suppliers tab-separated datafile which only contained supplier prices to one containing marked-up sell prices. It also tidied up a few other fields and produced a valid dataset which worked fine whenever I tested it.

          The problem may be related to the fact that this file defines 20,000 products. It may be that repeated updates (or replaces) of the entire 20,000 are leaving information somewhere in the database that's exceeding a fixed limit.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            I deleted the first 60 lines but got the same error within about 20 seconds of starting the import; "An expected error . . " "No lines lines or products were updated"

            Do you think this requires a support ticket?
            Money Saving Eco Friendly Products | UK Dating | Love Horse Dating


              I think so. The simple test would be to see if your data imports OK on someone else's installation of Catalog.
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                Hi there

                I would suggest in opening a ticket with Support regarding this issue and also pass them the csv file. Bit before doing this, do what Norman has suggested, trying to import on another catalog machine.

                Kind Regards
                Nadeem Rasool
                SellerDeck Development


                  Thanks. I raised a support ticket yesterday as I don't have another copy of Business to try importing this file into.
                  Money Saving Eco Friendly Products | UK Dating | Love Horse Dating


                    Node error over 65535

                    I am a recent purchaser of Actinic catalog software and have encountered a problem that you previously posted on the community bulletin board.

                    You were having a problem with uploading your catalog and reaching a node error greater than 65535. I suspect this problem was caused by your catalog getting too large. I suspect it is because their search database has an index definition that is too small for the number of products we are loading. Were you able to resolve your problem? Were you ever able to identify the place in their system to increase the index size for product loads?


                      They couldn't fix it and nor could I so in the end I unistalled and re-installed, then built a smaller site!

                      Good luck
                      Money Saving Eco Friendly Products | UK Dating | Love Horse Dating

