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customised fields for inserting into templates

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    customised fields for inserting into templates

    I have sort of asked this before and had some responses (thanks to those) but the answers didn't really seem to fit the bill, I wonder if anyone else has any suggestions?

    I want to have a field or two in primary templates which can use as it's content some easily accessible file, like a .txt field or the like .. or maybe even a smidgen of a database (MYSQL/PHP is favourite if that needs to be the route).

    is there any way I can create some NETVAR or whatever (be gentle with me!) so I can insert that into the right places in the templates and when the page is formed, the clever bit goes 'wibble' and all that easily modified text appears? .. maybe even allowing hyperlinks (now that would be fab) to allow someone to click a link and arrive at the right product?

    it seems to me that these actinic templates are formed kinda this way, I just need a couple of extra fields. I've achieved it before using JAVA applets, but they don't seem to work within the actinic stuff ... and probably aren't the way forward anyway.

    really appreciate any pointers here. thanks to all... hope some of that makes sense.


    You need to use a Custom Property as explained in Help under Custom Properties and Displaying Custom Properties In Your Online Store.

    Essentailly you define the custom property in Advanced Custom Properties, say MYTEXT, insert the CUSTOMVAR:MYTEXT where you want it to appear in the template, create a file with the contents you want and locate it in your site1 folder Then add the Custom Property under Properties at either the section level or in a product, set the value to the name of the file you created and tick Use as CustomVar, File Name & Use File Content.

    Unfortunately there is a bug in 7.0.2 currently which sometimes screws up Custom Properties, so if you use this method, do please check that everything is as it should be.

    Tim Weaver
    Consultancy, Innovation & Solutions


      Brilliant ! Thanks Tim. Sounds very much the simple solution I need.

      I haven't updated to 7.0.2 yet, so maybe I will escape the bug you mention.


