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Act_sections.js not populated

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    Act_sections.js not populated


    I'm trying to add the same navigation to the top sections that I already have on other pages of my site to the catalog pages.

    I have my section links as four images -
    About Us Products Distributors Contact Us

    'Products' takes you into the catalog, and in there you don't see the section links.

    So, I'm trying to use the JavaScript method for inserting Section Lists. I have this code in the <head> to include the javascript file -
    HTML Code:
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actiniccore.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actinicextras.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
    I won't bother inserting the JS function or the HTML code that calls it as I'm sure the problem isn't there.

    When I refresh my site, I can see that the Act_section.js file gets overwritten each time, but it always looks like this -

    var sections = new CreateArray(1);
    and that's all there is.

    What could I be missing that's preventing Actinic from creating the Act_section file properly?


    OK, I think I was confused before about some of the terminology used in Actinic to describe parts of the site.

    I have all my products in a single group - so I think that means I don't actually have any 'sections' to show anyway, which would explain why Act_sections.js was empty.

    What I have is 4 main pages on the site - Home, Contact Us, Distributors and then the Catalog page.
    On the first three the navigation to the other main pages is shown - but on the Catalog page it isn't there.
    In Act_BrochurePrimary.html I include the navigation using NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERGUIDE

    I want to recreate that in the catalog page, but so far cannot see how to do it.

    How can I do that?


      Hi there.

      Do you have NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERGUIDE in your Act_Primary template that you are using for your store?

      Also, have you removed any of the Navigation items from 'Design | Options | Navigation'.

      If this is not the case, can you post your store URL please.



        Hi, thanks for the reply.

        I've got the site online now -

        I followed your suggestion and put NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERGUIDE back into the Act_Primary template, but it doesn't work how I want it to. It doesn't seem to place the same links on the page when used from BrochurePrimary as it does from Primary.

        The four links at the top (About Us, Products, Distributors and Contact Us) are the links that I want to see on every single page on the site - but when you go into Products (which is the catalog page) those links change.

        I've currently got those pages built in Actinic as 'Brochure Pages', made up of a number of Fragments. Would I be better off having them as static HTML pages that I create myself?


          Hi there.

          You could try 'hard coding' the links onto your Act_Primary template for the links you require. Ie, <a href = etc etc rather than using the NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERGUIDE.

          Whilst we are on the subject of Navigation, it is well worth taking a look at the more flexible ways of using it. Please take a look at Page 14 of the current Advanced User Guide You may find it useful



            Yeah I looked thru those alt navigation methods, but they don't let you link to Brochure Pages you've made yourself?

            I'll look into hardcoding the links instead, that may be the easiest solution?


              yep - so far so good with hardcoding the links. It goes against the grain a bit with me, on the one hand I have those pages created neatly in Actinic, then I have to hard code the links to those pages - but it works.

              Thanks for the help,

