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hide the editable quantity box on cart confirmation page

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    hide the editable quantity box on cart confirmation page

    Hi there

    I wish to hide the editable Product Quantity box in the cart confirmation page. I have successfully hidden this on my product page template - using a thread from here :
    (<input type="hidden" name="Q_NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREFERENCE" value="1"><!-- NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTQUANTITY -->)
    done this on my product.

    However this does not work on the Act_ShoppingCartXML.html!!

    Can anyone help

    If you want your entire site to only allow single quantities, then you can set this in View / Business Settings / Ordering / Misc.

    This will inhibit the qauntity being editable in the Cart.

    You will still need to hide the Product Page quantities as Actinic doesn't seem to hide this for you.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks - this works in part - in that a quantity is not editable in the cart confirmatin page - ideally i would the Quantity "1" to be hidden too - let me know if thats possible

      Thank you


        You should edit the text in Design...Text.

        If you go to Phrase ID 2161 you will see the Input HTML.

        %s<INPUT TYPE=text class="input" NAME="%s" %d SIZE="6" %d MAXLENGTH="4" VALUE="%s" %s>

        Try first commenting it out:

        %s<!--<INPUT TYPE=text class="input" NAME="%s" %d SIZE="6" %d MAXLENGTH="4" VALUE="%s" %s>-->

        Personally I'd avoid getting rid of completely. I'd probably change it to make the quantity field read only:

        %s<INPUT TYPE=text readonly="readonly" style="border:0" NAME="%s" %d SIZE="6" %d MAXLENGTH="4" VALUE="%s" %s>

        This renders it to look like a 'Label' rather than a box and it cannot be edited by a customer.

        If you wish to remove it completely you could write:

        %s<INPUT TYPE=text style="display:none" NAME="%s" %d SIZE="6" %d MAXLENGTH="4" VALUE="%s" %s>

        Do make a copy first of that prompt as the order of %s is important - I can't guarantee this won't cause the script to write in something funny.

        But it has worked in the past for me. - Actinic plugins, remote add to cart and custom CMS - More seeds and plants.... - Well it used to be Actinic...

