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well .. that's gone and done it ..

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    well .. that's gone and done it ..

    um ..
    okay, here is the story .. I deployed a half finished site, disabling design for the deployment (so Mr Client didn't go and do anything daft ... more on doing daft things in a minute ..), then all clever like, I then went and loaded it onto Mr Client's machine and continued to work on it on his machine for a day.

    so I had an up to date copy on MY machine, I then backed up the site and loaded it back onto my machine so all the new products were showing that I'd added on site... So far so good .. but .. and it's a really BIG but .. one thing which I hadn't noticed was (of course) it has now disabled MY ability to alter the design stuff. I tried to deploy the site again ticking the 'allow design changes' box .. but as far as I can see it isn't letting me get back to point A on this crazy journey.

    How do I get the ability to amend design back again? I don't want to start from scratch (no - really - I don't!) and any old backups I have have probably been overwritten now with the design disallowed version.

    oh boy ! Fun and games eh?


    ok, folks .. not to worry (and as no-one seemed to have an answer .. perhaps you weren't worried anyhow?) I have found a ok backup and .. well .. backed .. up .. rebuilding the products I had done before. So not such a huge job, but a lesson anyway.


