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Cart amount error

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    Cart amount error

    We have a number of products (several dozen) that have £0.00 shown in price. I won't go into the why's and wherefore's but this has been working well with no errors with daily sales of these products, until today. A customer makes a purchase from the line and ends up with £4.06 in his cart (incl VAT). We don't have anything that is £4.06 (incl VAT).

    How? I don't know.

    Anyone know how?

    Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
    Bob Isaac
    Director/Web Admin
    Volvo Owners Club Ltd

    Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2

    We have just had another order for the same item, and guess what, it has put 71 pence plus VAT into the customers cart.

    This should not be happening. Let me explain the system.

    We take an order for a line of products but take no payment. We pass the customer details to our wholesale supplier who deals with the payment side of the sale, and we get a monthly commission.

    For this to work I put the sale price in the product description and £0.00 in the price box. This way the payment page is bypassed at the conclusion of the purchase. This has been working perfectly well.

    We now have this problem where one item that is throwing up random values into the cart when it should not be doing so.

    Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
    Bob Isaac
    Director/Web Admin
    Volvo Owners Club Ltd

    Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2


      Did you run 7.0.1, and if so, how long without anyone seeing this error?

      Also how long have you run with 7.0.2?
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        I upgraded 6.1.4 > 7.0.1 as soon as we received the new CD, then applied the 7.0.2 patch as soon as that was available, because of the FTP problems. Wish I hadn't.

        I have stumbled over a partial cause for this particular issue, in that I had omitted to put a 0 in the product weight box for this product, as I had done for others. I had previously set a £0.00 shipping rate for products with 0Kg weight.

        But this does not explain why these spurious values are being thrown up. I already have a ticket with Actinic for many spurious entries I picked up from our web access logs after numerous customers reported getting 'page cannot be found' and 'cannot locate server' errors.

        Something dark and devious is lurking beneath the cyber waves and set to wreak havoc at the waking of the dawn. Yaaaaaaaaaa...

        Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
        Bob Isaac
        Director/Web Admin
        Volvo Owners Club Ltd

        Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2


          .... and the number of the Beast may well be 702
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Hi there

            You could try deleting all .fil and .cat files from both the server as well as in your site1 folder, then do a full web refresh. Let actinic regenerate these files with the information supplied in your database. Then see if you are getting the same issue.

            If you do, then let email support know about this.

            Kind Regards
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development

